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"I knew you should have taken another test. Just to make sure..." Eli mumbled as he rubbed my back. I was hunched over in the backseat of a dingy taxi with a plastic bag under my chin. Every obnoxious honk or large bump in the road made my stomach twist.

I wiped saliva off of the corners of my both, "I-I wasn't showing any signs. The test was negative...I didn't think..."

Eli sighed as he gathered the hairs that framed my face, "I know Bri. This isn't anyone's fault."

"What are we going to tell our parents?" I sobbed as a sense of queasiness erupted in my stomach.

He patted my back with a little more power as if to make sure I wouldn't choke, "I don't know Bri. I don't know."

After a nauseating forty-five minute ride to the hotel Eli instructed me to stay in the car as he helped the driver unload the luggage. It was a shame, I dreamed of coming to New York many times and I was unable to enjoy the landscape of it all. Because I was...pregnant.

Eli swung open the side door with a stretched out hand, offering his assistance to get out the car. With shaky legs I accepted his hand, stumbling my way out of the backseat.

"Careful baby," Eli whispered with his hand stabilizing my lower back.

He had a large duffel bag hanging off of his shoulder as we walked through the automatic doors of the hotel. I turned back to see a worker piling the rest of our bags onto a trolley when Eli began to usher me forward.

As we reached the front desk he hooked an arm around my waist, "I'll try to get this done quickly. You need to get some rest."

I nodded silently as I hid my face in his upper arm, inhaling his relaxing scent. For just a moment the urge to vomit faded away and my head cleared only to come back as soon as I removed my face.

With the keycards in hand Eli led me to the nearest elevator. Luckily our room was on the third floor and before I knew it he was shaking me out of my jeans and onto the plush bed.

He tucked me in and mumbled something about getting a wet cloth.

"I don't get why this is affecting you so strongly," he said as a warm towel was placed onto my forehead. "I need to make some calls."

My hand launched out as he got up from my bedside, "Don't go. I want you to stay."

Unsure of what to do he glanced from the towel to my hand on his arm, "I have to find a doctor near us, Bri. I can't let you suffer like this."

Ignoring what he had just said I tugged his sleeve harder, "Just stay. Please."

He huffed loudly before disappearing into the attached bathroom. After he came back into the room he shrugged off his jacket, climbed over me and slipped under the covers.

I turned over to face him and threw my leg over his hips. He opened his arms to invite me into his embrace which I enthusiastically accepted. His scent was enough to calm my stomach and soothe the what seemed to be eternal migraine.

He massaged the top of my head, slowly migrating to the back, "Don't worry Bri. We'll figure this out."

I woke up refreshed but feeling like something was missing, like the overwhelming warmth I went to sleep with had faded away.

My hand grazed the right side of the bed to confirm my suspicions. Eli wasn't here. Reluctantly I slid out of bed and headed into the bathroom in hopes that a quick shower would rejuvenate me.

The steaming hot water relaxed the previously tense muscles and got rid of the remnants of my headache. With a quick shampoo and conditioning of my hair and an excessive amount of body wash I wrapped myself in one of the fluffy towels that hung on the back of the door.

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