Chapter 5

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A/N: Warning, trigger near the end with Liam. You have been warned.

I managed to put all of my groceries away and crawl into bed after brushing my teeth ferociously. I fell onto my pillows and curled into my blankets. Louis was my only friend, but I had to remember he was my boss as well. Not all friendships are perfect.

I stared at my phone a while and played that same voicemail again so I could hear Zayn Malik's voice. It was soothing, and helped me calm down enough to be comfortable in my own bed. He wanted to talk to me I didn't know what he wanted to talk about, but maybe it would be worth it to call him back. Not then though. I would call him the next day before I went to go see Liam. That was another thing I was confused about. Why would Liam want me during the week? He was always a weekend kind of person. I was a little nervous about meeting with him.

I rolled over on my bed and plugged my phone in to charge. I curled into myself and held my knees to my chest. My throat was sore as well as my jaw. Today was supposed to be my day off and yet I was still dragged into giving a blow job. It didn't happen often, but when Louis was stressed he took it out on me, or his other prostitutes. We never had sex because he wasn't into guys. But what was a blow job and a hand job. He never wanted to reciprocate, which was okay with me. I wished he was a little more gentle though. I could feel bruises starting to fore on the back of my neck where he yanked me forward to his crotch.

I found a comfortable spot on my bed and closed my eyes, trying to rid myself of the aching feeling I felt all over. I didn't eat that night, though I didn't think I could stomach anything anyways.

I had a hard time sleeping that night and it was a whole combination of things that kept me awake. Liam. Louis and then Zayn. When I woke up, way too early I might add, I called Louis first thing. I needed to know the details of when and where to meet Liam. I assumed Liam wanted to meet at his big empty house and he would want me for the whole day like usual.

"Hey Louis." I spoke softly as Louis answered his phone.

"Ah, Niall. I was just about to call you. I like it. Thinking ahead I see." Louis chimed and I only thought about how he made me give him a blow job. I tried to forget about it for the moment and just listen to Louis as he spoke. "So, Liam wants to meet up at the house. You know the place, and he wants you for five hours. I told him it would be a little more since he just called without an appointment. He said money is not an issue." Louis started talk to someone in the room on his end of the line. "Oh, and speaking of money Niall. I need that hundred from Malik. He gave you three hundred, yeah?"

Zayn didn't give me three hundred. He gave me a thousand, but I wasn't going to tell Louis that. Sure there was a risk of him finding out and taking everything I had, but it was a risk I had to take to get out of this city and out of this life style.

"Yeah, I can give it to you tonight." I didn't sound too enthusiastic and Louis caught onto it. he reprimanded me for sounding so glum and said it would be one fifty instead of just a hundred. I was about to protest, but I didn't want anymore money taken away from me. "Okay. Thank you, Louis." I tried to sound a little more chipper. It worked.

"That's better. I'll have a car come pick you up and take you to Liam's in a bit." He began talking to the person in the room again and came back to me saying he had to go. I placed my phone down and looked around my room. I needed to find my special clothing for Liam. He liked that kind of stuff. You know, leather and lace. I found them really annoying to wear and they tugged me in all the wrong places. I wouldn't be wearing them for long though. Liam liked me naked most of all.

While I waited for the car to come pick me up and take me to Liam's, I stared at my phone. I did say that I would call Zayn Malik back when it was the next day. Well, it was the next day. I went back through my missed calls and recents and hovered a thumb over his number. I never saved it to my phone, but I knew it was his. Not many people called me. It was mostly Louis and sometimes Harry. Liam never called. He didn't want connections, but this Zayn guy was different. He was risking a lot to call me, so I damned well call him back.

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