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For the next couple of months when Josh would go to work Tyler's mom would pick him up and take him to speech therapy. Tyler didnt tell Josh yet. He wanted to make sure he was actually going to be able to do it first.

Him and Josh have grown increasing closer though. They go on date nights every Saturday, they've discussed their future goals in life and where they would like their relationship to go eventually. The two of them we so so in love.

Josh had started taking Tyler to hang out with his friends too, trying to get the younger more comfortable with other people. Tyler was leaning against Josh's shoulder as Josh talked with his friends. They were out at a restaurant/bar.

Tyler smiled softly at a joke that was made before gently sliding his fingers between Josh's. Josh gave his hand a small squeeze while continuing to talk to his friends. Once it started to get late everyone headed out.

During the drive home Tyler fell asleep. Josh carried him inside and got him all comfy in bed before settling himself. He crawled in beside Tyler and spooned him, gently kissing the back of Tyler's neck.

When tyler woke in the morning Josh was still asleep. It was Josh's day off so Tyler let him sleep. He got up and went to get something to eat for himself. After he went into the bathroom to shower.

Midway through his shower he heard the shower curtain move so he turned around to look. He smiled softly as a sleepy Josh joined him in the shower. Josh wrapped his arms around Tyler's waist and kissed him. "Morning." Josh said quietly. Morning. Tyler signed.

Josh gently kissed Tyler's shoulder. Tyler smiled softly before taking it upon himself to start washing Josh's hair. Josh hummed softly. Tyler carefully rinsed out the soap, being sure not to get any in Josh's eyes.

They both got washed up before getting out and drying off. They got dressed then Josh mad himself something to eat while Tyler sat on the couch and turned the tv on. They were just relaxing for the time being. They had plans to go out later for dinner so until then they just relaxed on the couch.

When the evening came the two got dressed and headed out. They got in the car and put some music on before Josh started to drive. When the car came to a stop Tyler furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Josh.

I thought we were going to that restaurant downtown? Tyler signed. Josh smiled softly. "I have something else in mind.. you're gonna love it." He said. Tyler nodded and got out of the car, following josh down a path to a little fish pond.

He stopped walking for a moment when he seen fairy lights leading down to a little gazebo where a few of his and Josh's friends sat. There was a table with food set up on it and one of their friends were playing guitar while the rest sang.

Josh turned to him. "You coming?" He asked. Tyler smiled and jogged a little to catch up with Josh. Josh said hi to their friends and Tyler gave a little wave. They sat down and ate some food. They were having a blast, goofing off, singing, dancing, etc.

After a while Josh got up and motioned for Tyler to follow. Tyler did. Josh walked out of the gazebo and down to the edge of the pond while their friends stayed where they were. Josh kicked at the grass slightly as he stared at the water.

Tyler looked out at the water as well, listening to the frogs and crickets with the dull sound of their friends in the background. "You having a good time?" Josh asked. Tyler smiled and nodded, looking over at him. "I'm glad." Josh replied, looking at the water again.

Tyler watched as Josh took a deep breath. "You know the last little while I've done a lot of thinking about how different my life would be right now if we hadnt met that day. I'd be so lost." Josh chuckled softly. Tyler smiled. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me... and I know i haven't been the best boyfriend, I know theres been times I've hurt you and upset you even when i didnt mean it.. I know it took alot for you to trust me." Josh continued.

"I know you've been through alot and you've been hurt alot and I've been doing my best to make sure that you know you're loved and that i would never even think of hurting you the way others have... I just.. I love you so much Tyler." He said, staring at the water again.

Tyler gently tapped Josh's shoulder, signing that he loved josh too when Josh looked at him. Josh smiled before pulling Tyler closer and kissing his forehead. You make me happy. Tyler signed before hugging Josh and resting his forehead on Josh's shoulder. Josh held him for a moment.

"Hey." He said softly, making Tyler pull back. Tyler froze when he seen the little box Josh was holding befor ehe locked eyes with josh. Josh gave him a nervous smile before getting down on one knee and opening the box.

"Tyler," he said softly. Tyler felt his eyes sting with tears. "Will you marry me?" Josh asked. Tyler tried to hold back from crying but failed, nodding his head frantically. Josh smiled and stood up to hug Tyler tightly.

Their friends could be heard cheering in the background as Josh pulled back enough to kiss Tyler. When they parted Josh carefully put the ring on Tyler's finger. Tyler smiled at it before hugging Josh again.

He pulled back to sign. I love you so much. "I love you too." Josh whispered. Tyler smiled and looked down at the ring on his finger. "I cant wait to be married to you." Josh said quietly. Me either tyler replied, not being able to stop smiling.


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