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Josh sat Tyler down on the couch before heading to the kitchen. The layout of Josh's apartment was similar to Tyler's. The floor was open and lead straight from the kitchen to the livingroom then there was a hall that lead to the bedroom and bathroom.

Tyler wasnt really sure what was happening. He was in Josh's apartment though, he was shaking. Josh came back over with two ice packs and kneeled on the floor in front of Tyler. Ever so gently he grabbed one of Tyler's legs and began rolling up his pant leg.

"This okay?" He asked, making sure the younger wasnt uncomfortable. Tyler held up a finger and Josh smiled softly. When he seen the bruise on Tyler's knee he sighed softly before grabbing on of the ice packs and instructing Tyler to hold it to his knee while he rolled up his other pant leg.

He gave Tyler the other ice pack before sitting down next to him. Carefully he grabbed tylers legs and pulled them up onto the couch, letting them rest in his lap. He held the ice packs to Tyler's knees with one hand while the other softly rested on tyler thigh.

Tyler inhaled sharply at the contact, Josh's hand was so close, so so close. Tyler was getting hard again and his whole body felt warm, a blush covering the entirety of his face and chest. When Josh's thumb gently started rubbing circles into Tyler thigh the younger was biting his lip.

His eyes rolled back and his thighs clenched together. He was so red when he opened his eyes that when Josh glanced over concern immediately flashed over his features. "Are you okay? Did you not want me to-" josh asked, lifted his hand from Tyler's thigh.

Tyler looked away, not giving an answer. He really wanted to ask to go to the bathroom. He didnt want to cum in front of Josh again, he was too shy to speak to ask the question though. Instead he stared intensely at the TV.

"Tyler?" Josh asked. Tyler quickly looked over at him. He knows my name. He knows who I am oh my god. Tyler thought. His thighs clenched together again and that time Josh noticed, glancing down at the bulge in Tyler's crotch.

Oh and Tyler was so embarrassed. Tears filled his eyes as he trembled. "Hey no its o-" josh tried but Tyler was pushing up, about to run our of the apartment. Josh quickly grabbed him, pulling him into his lap and Tyler was moaning, whimpering softly into Josh's shoulder as he came again, his little hips thrusting agaisnt Josh's thigh ever so slightly

Josh had manhandled him so easily, so effortlessly moving Tyler's body to where he wanted it and Tyler couldnt help himself. Josh softly rubbed his back, shushing him as he started crying. "Hey. Shh it's okay. You're fine. You're okay. I'm not mad." Josh whispered.

He carefully pushed Tyler back to look at him but Tyler kept his head hung in embarrassment. Josh cupped his cheek softly and wiped away some tears with his thumb. "You're fine. Im not upset. It's okay. Do you wanna go down the hall to the bathroom and clean up?" He asked.

Tyler just kept crying however. "Okay its okay. Just try to breathe first okay? Focus on calming down first then we can talk." Josh said, gently caressing Tyler's cheek and tyler leaned into his touch, pouting and sniffling softly as he willed himself to stop being such a cry baby.

"Did you wanna go clean up now?" Josh asked in such a soft voice that Tyler wished he could wrap himself up in it the same way he could with a fluffy blanket. Shakily tyler held up one finger. "Okay come on." Josh said. Tyler crawled off his lap and let Josh grab his hand to lead him down the hall.

He showed Tyler where the washcloths and towels were then asked if Tyler would like something clean to put on to which Tyler shyly held up one finger. Josh smiled softly and told him he'd be right back. Tyler quickly washed himself at the sink with a washcloth, drying himself with a small towel before josh was knocking on the door.

Tyler opened the door just a crack, hiding his body beginning the door. "Here you go... I'll just be in the living room when you're done." Josh said handing Tyler some clothes before leaving him be. Tyler pulled on the new clothes, some sweatpants that were too big for him and a tshirt.

He gathered his own soiled clothes and carried them out to Josh's living room. Josh stood immediately. "Want me to throw these in the wash for you?" He asked and Tyler agreed, letting Josh take them from his grip to throw in the laundry basket.

They both sat down on the couch again, the ice packs back on Tyler's bruised knees while Josh put a movie on. Tyler was so tired from crying and from cumming twice that he passed out of Josh's couch, his legs on Josh lap.

Josh hadnt gotten mad nor had he woke Tyler to tell him to go back to his own apartment. He just carefully moved Tyler's legs off him and stood up. He grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and laid it over Tyler's sleeping frame before taking the ice packs back to the freezer.

Tyler spent the whole night at Josh's on his couch and when he woke up the next morning it was to the smell of the bacon and eggs josh was cooking for him. He felt so loved and cared for when Josh brought the plate over to the couch for him with a smile and a good morning.

He was so in love.

(Nother update cause why not)

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