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Zach stayed at Tyler and Josh's place for a couple days before he went back to his own place for a few nights. His father didn't get any better, he was still angry and yelling and Zach ended up back and Tyler and Josh's with a black eye in less then a week.

Tyler had freaked out when zach showed up with an injury and it all ended up with Josh holding Tyler tightly as he cried. Zach was trying to assure him that he was fine, that it didnt even hurt that bad but it did nothing to ease Tyler. Tyler knew that Zach had gotten hit because he was standing up for him to their father. It was Tyler's fault that Zach got hit, at least in his mind it was.

Tyler only calmed down when he grew tired and fell asleep. Then Josh and zach talked quietly. "You know you shouldnt keep living with him if hes gonna be like that... tylers old apartment across the hall is free. I can call the landlord and get you set up in there and if you need helo paying the rent I'll gladly help out." Josh said. "Wait really?" Zach askd.

Josh nodded. "Of course. Beside I think itd take a lot of worry of Tyler if you did." He said. Zach nodded. "It definitely would.." he said. "Sooo?" Josh asked. "..okay, yeah." Zsch smiled.  Josh smiled back. "I'll give the landlord a call after supper to make sure it's still available and all that stuff." He said. "Thank you." Zach said. "No problem." Jish replied.

After supper like Josh had said he called the landlord. He was alone in the bedroom on the phone while Tyler and zach were watching tv in the living room. He got everything sorted out, the rent, when it would need to be paid, when zach could start moving in, all that stuff.

When he got off the phone he went out to let Zach know what was going on. "I just got off the phone with the landlord he said you're good to start moving in whenever." Josh smiled sitting down next to Tyler who looked confused. He didnt know what was going on yet. "Awesome thanks." Zach smiled back.

Tyler looked at both of them before turning to Josh and raising his hands. What are you talking about? Josh smiled. "Zachs gonna move in across the hall.. your old apartment." He said. Tyler lit up. Really? He signed. Josh nodded and Tyler turned to look at Zach who smiled. That makes me happy. Tyler smiled. "We thought it would." Josh said.

When can we start getting his stuff and putting it in the apartment? Tyler asked. "How about tomorrow once I'm off work?" Josh asked. Tyler looked at Zach, to see if that was good worh him. Zach nodded so Tyler smiled and nodded too.

The next day after Josh got home from work he, Tyler and zach got in Josh's car and went to get Zachs stuff. When they pulled in the driveway Zach sighed heavily. "Dads home." He said. Tyler swallowed thickly and licked his lips. Josh looked at him, he could tell Tyler was anxious. "Did you wanna stay here? I'll go in with Zach." He said.

Tyler looked at Josh for a moment before looking at his lap. He thought about how angry and upset he felt when he found out that his dad had hit zach and he shook his head. "No? You wanna come in?" Josh asked. Tyler nodded. "Are you sure?" Josh asked gently grabbing Tyler's hand. Tyler nodded. "Okay." Josh whispered kissing tylers knuckles before they got out of the car and headed inside.

Tyler held Josh's hand tightly his grip giving away how anxious he really was though he kept a calm exterior. Tylers father had cone out of the livingroom when he heard the front door open, confronting them in the hallway. The man eyed zach for a moment. "whats going on?" he asked.

"I'm moving out." Zach said. His father made a 'hmph' noise before focusing on Josh and Tyler. He stared at Josh for a moment before looking Tyler dead in the eye. "What's he doing here?" The man asked looking back to Zach. "Hes here to help me." Zach replied. "You know better then to bring him here boy." His father said calmly but sternly.

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