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Josh was up before Tyler today. He smiled softly at the boy who was tucked away in his chest. He noticed Tyler still had on the collar and quickly moved to take it off. He couldn't believe tyler slept with it on all night.

He gently kissed Tyler's forehead and ran his hand through Tyler's hair. Tyler shifted a bit before opening his eyes and looking up at Josh. "Hey." Josh whispered. Tyler looked scared, he was scared, scared of how josh was gonna react.

"Hey you're okay." Josh said softly. Tyler felt like running to his apartment and hiding but Josh's arms were wrapped around him tightly. "You wanna talk about somethings that happened over the last few days?" Josh asked. Tyler looked away, his breathing picking up slightly.

"I'm fine with it okay? Dont work yourself up. You're okay. You're safe." Josh said. Tyler was still shaking slightly though. "What are you thinking?" Josh asked. Tyler shrugged. "No come on. Here tell me." Josh said reaching over to the nightstand to grab his phone.

Tyler sat up when I was handed to him. He unlocked it and typed out a message.

I'm sorry.. I dont mean to be like.. gross and clingy and stuff..

Josh read over the message then looked to Tyler who was staring at his lap, bottom lip sucked in between his teeth. "Tyler you're not gross.. and the clingy thing is the most adorable thing in the world. You dont have anything to be sorry for." Josh said.

Tyler looked at him, taking the phone again after a few seconds.

You're really okay with it? Like.. I dont know if you know the entirety of why or what happened but like..  I dont know you're not weirded out?

Tyler gave the phone to Josh. "No I'm not weirded out ty." Josh chuckled. "And you were in a headspace correct?" He asked. Tyler shyly nodded. "Yeah I thought so. It's real cute." Josh said. Tyler was blushing. "Now can we talk about it? I just wanna know where your heads at and what you're looking for.. if theres anything I can do for you." Josh said.

Tyler nodded and the two spent the next hour or so going over everything.  Josh had asked Tyler if he still wanted "an owner" as josh had phrased it last night to which Tyler nodded. Then Josh asked if Tyler would want to date. The whole time Tyler felt like passing out, not believing it was actually happening but he still nodded.

They went over rules and boundaries and all that important stuff that comes when in a relationship. Josh noticed Tyler getting a little cloudy looking and stopped talking. He smiled softly. "You still with me?" He asked. Tyler nodded

"You sure?" Josh asked, gently grabbing Tyler's chin. Tyler's eyes fluttered a bit. He was sat on his knees for the last ten minutes and had been desperately waiting for Josh to touch him. To cuddle him, pet him, or even just hold his hand. Josh studied him for a second. "I think that's enough for today hm?" He asked, gently pulling Tyler into his lap.

Tyler made a happy sounding noise and cuddled into Josh's chest. Josh smiled and rubbed his back with one hand while the other played with tylers hair. Tyler was purring, loving the fact that Josh was giving him attention.

"You're such a good boy." Josh whispered and Tyler was whimpering softly. Hes a good boy. Josh's good boy. He was clinging to the other man, burying his face in Josh's neck. Josh moved to sit with his back agaisnt the headboard just holding tyler.

Tyler started placing tiny kisses to Josh's neck that soon turned into Tyler sucking hickies there. "Good boy." Josh breathed, his arms still wrapped around Tyler. Tyler ended up falling alseep there, sucking on Josh's neck and Josh was cooing softly at him.

Tyler was so precious, so pure and cute, so adorably small and clingy. Josh loved everything about him. As slowly and carefully as possible Josh shifted tyler to lay down on the bed and got up. He headed to the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling out things to make breakfast.

He made pancakes and sausage. Once it was all cooked and put up on plates josh went to wake Tyler. He gently cupped his jaw, using his thumb to caress Tyler's cheek. "Tyler. Wake up." He whispered. When Tyler's eyes fluttered open he smiled. "Are you hungry?" He asked. Tyler nodded.

"Alright come on" josh said. Tyler reached up and Josh smiled before picking him up and carrying him to the kitchen. After breakfast they sat on the couch and Josh put the TV on.

Tyler sat next to him on his knees, shifting anxiously and staring at Josh. "You okay?" Josh asked. Tyler shifted slightly. "Did you want something?" Josh askdd. Tyler shifted again, he wanted to sit on Josh's lap, he wanted Josh to hug him and cuddled him and kiss his forehead.

Tyler moved forward slightly but then sat back, he was hesitant. "Its okay. Come here." Josh said softly, opening his arms. Tyler was still shaking slightly as he crawled into Josh's lap and hugged him, whimpering softly.

Josh shushed him and gently started to play with his hair. "You're okay I got you." He whispered. Tyler pressed gentle little kisses to Josh's collarbone, trying to show Josh how happy he was to sit in his lap.

Josh smiled and hugged Tyler tight, loving how Tyler always wanted to be touching him in some way. It was adorable and it made his heart swell.

He was in love. 

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