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Tyler was quick to adjust to having Josh look after him while he was in headspace. He trusted Josh. Josh was sweet, understanding and gentle. He loved Josh. Loved how easy it was to be around him.

He got used to the idea that he can move and do certain things without permission. Like he could crawl into Josh's lap whenever he wanted or needed, he could give Josh kisses whenever he wanted, he could hug josh whenever he wanted.

So when josh got home from work today Tyler was immediately running out of his apartment and hugging josh from behind as he unlocked the door. "Hey there baby boy." Josh smiled, picking Tyler up and heading into his apartment.

Tyler whimpered at the nickname and hid his face in Josh's neck, placing tiny little kisses there. Josh headed to the bedroom and set Tyler on the bed. Tyler whimpered and whined, wanting josh to keep holding him.

"Just sit still for a minute ty. Gotta get changed." Josh said. Tyler whined and shook his head, sitting on his knees and gripping Josh's dress shirt in his little fists. "Tyler." Josh warned. Tyler whimpered pathetically. He knew he was being bad but he had been whiny and needy all day and Josh has been at work.

Tyler wanted hands on him the whole day but couldnt get it because Josh was at work and he would never ever touch himself when Josh's wasnt there. It was one of their rules. Tyler got up and clung to Josh like a koala, all limbs wrapped tightly around Josh's frame.

Josh sighed and laid Tyler down, hovering over him. "You're a needy little pup today hm?" Josh asked, gently nipping at Tyler's neck. Tyler nodded frantically, still clinging to Josh and his little hips bucking up.

Josh pinned Tyler's hips to the bed with his own making Tyler moan and squirm around. Josh didnt move for a moment, just watching Tyler whimper and try to move.

When Josh started grinding his hips into Tyler's though, Tyler was moaning, clinging, squirming. Tears ran down his cheeks as he hiccuped out little moans. josh started sucking hickies into his neck and within seconds he was cumming in his pants with a needy/whiney moan.

Josh groaned but kept grinding agaisnt the younger, chasing his own finish. Tyler was panting loudly, whimpering in overstimulation. Josh moaned lowly when he came, his hips sputtering and Tyler let out a moan at how hot Josh sounded.

Josh let himself calm down before moving to kiss Tyler. Tyler was instantly whimpering into Josh's mouth and wrapping his arms around Josh's neck. when Josh pulled back he wiped the tears off Tyler's face and picked him up.

He ran Tyler a bath and then placed him in the warm water, listening to Tyler hum happily as he washed him. Tyler then raised his hands from the water and in sign language asked can we cuddle after I get out? He and Josh had spent hours upon hours learning it and both understood it now.

Josh smiled. "Of course baby boy." He said. Tyler smiled thank you. Josh kissed is forehead gently. Once Tyler was out and dressed in something warm and comfy the two laid down. Tyler practically on top of Josh.

He kissed Josh's collar bone softly before nuzzling his face into Josh's neck. Josh reached up to play with his hair making him sigh softly. Josh started humming softly as Tyler's eyelids started to get heavy. Tyler fell asleep not long after.

When he woke again it was because there was a phone ringing. He whined, wanting to go back to sleep. "Ty that's your phone." Josh said. Tyler whined again but pushed up to grab it. It was his mom. He sighed a d looked at Josh. "Want me to answer?" He asked and Tyler nodded, handing him the phone.

Josh put it on speaker. "Hello?" He answered. "H-whos this?" Tylers mother asked. "Uhm.. I'm Tyler's neighbor. My names Josh." Josh said. "Wheres Tyler??" She asked.  Tyler grabbed joshs arm making the man look at him. You can tell her were dating if you want. "Right next to me.. he wanted me to tell you that me and him are dating.." Josh replied. "oh thats wonderful congrats! uh.. Tyler hunny?" She asked. Tyler made a humming noise.

"Your aunts coming home for a visit next week and were gonna have a big dinner. Would you want to come? You dont have to if you dont want to I know you do not like that sort of stuff." She said. Tyler bit his lip in thought before looking up at Josh. Can you ask her if you can come?

"He wants to know if I can come." Josh said. "Oh uh yeah sure. I look forward to meeting you." She said, sounding like she was smiling which made Tyler smile. Thank you. "You're welcome." Josh whispered. Ask her when the dinner is.

"Whens the dinner?" Josh asked. "My house Wednesday at say five?" She asked. Tyler nodded. "Sounds good. See you then." Josh said. "See you. Bye Tyler. I love you." She said. Tyler smiled. I love you too. "He loves you too." Josh said with a smile. "Alright bye you two." She said. "Bye." Josh said before hanging up.

Tyler took his phone back and set it on the nightstand. He turned to Josh, pushing him to lay on his back again before curling back up agaisnt him.

(The 28th needs to hurry its ass up and get here so I dont gotta come to school anymore.)

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