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A few months pass and Tyler's become comfortable enough with Josh that instead of going to sleep on the couch in the middle of the night he goes and crawls into Josh's bed with him. He keeps his distance, staying on one side of the bed while Josh on the other though. He just feels safer being in the same room as Josh.

Josh starts to notice tiny things about Tyler. Like how willing Tyler is to do stuff for him even if it's only a simple little thing. He gets so excited when josh asks for his help. He reminds Josh of a puppy, a little tiny baby puppy excited to spend time with his owner. Josh loved it really. He found it adorable that Tyler got excited to hang out with him or even text him.

Josh was getting ready to go get groceries and decided to ask if Tyler wanted to come. So he went and knocked on Tyler's door before stepping in. He always knocks to make sure Tyler knows hes there and so tyler wont get scared when theres suddenly someone in his apartment.

Tyler poked his head out of his bedroom and Josh smiled at him. "Hey I'm going to the store for a few things... wanna come?" He asked. Tyler smiled excitedly and nodded. He disappeared back into his room to get dressed then came running over to Josh, bouncing excitedly.

Josh chuckled softly as they headed out into the hall. They climbed into Josh's car and buckled up before Josh started the car and they were off.

The drive to the store was short, they didnt live that far away. When they arrived they got out and headed inside. Josh grabbed a cart and began looking at the fruits and veggies. Tyler stayed as close as possible to Josh without touching him of course.

He wasnt a fan of public places but he wanted to spend more time with Josh, that's why he agreed. Josh didnt get much. A few things here and there that he needed at home, a few things he caught Tyler staring at. Tyler got all blushy when Josh would grab it off the shelf and toss it in the cart. Josh would only smile and continue on his way.

They paid for the groceries then loaded them up into the trunk. Josh out the cart in the corral then they headed home. Tyler helped Josh carry the groceries upstairs then helped Josh put them away. If he didnt know where something went he just left it for Josh.

Once that was all done Josh started making them something to eat while Tyler put a movie on. Josh carried the two plates of food over to the couch, giving one to Tyler and keeping one for himself as he sat down next to the younger Male.

Later on that day the two somehow ended up learning sign language together in Josh's bedroom. They learned 'thank you', 'please', each others names, and 'I love you'. Tyler picked the last one with a blush on his cheeks.

Josh hadnt questioned though and just went with it. They spent about two hours learning them and memorizing them before Tyler started to get sleepy. He had laid down, hugging one of Josh's pillows as Josh continued to study the book they were reading on sign language.

When Josh noticed Tyler starting to drift away he shut the book softly and stood. He set the book on the dresser and shut out the light before crawling into bed next to Tyler. He pulled the blankets up over the both of them before settling. Tyler stared at him through the darkness of the room.

"I could tell you were getting tired. Get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning and I'll make you some pancakes okay?" Josh asked. Tyler smiled softly and nodded. "Alright. Night ty." Josh whispered, softly running his hand through Tyler's hair.

Tyler's eyes fluttered shut and it only took a few minutes for him to fall asleep. Josh continued to play with the boys hair until he himself got too tired to move his arm. They both slept soundly through the night and at some point Tyler had rolled over and was laying half on top of Josh.

Josh woke the the new weight on his body but only smiled softly and wrapped his arms around Tyler before shutting his eyes again with a soft sigh.

Josh was falling in love.

(Imma fuckin pass out)

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