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(Not me writing a bonus chapter for yall 😩 its gonna be a long one so prepare yaselves)

Tyler has been doing amazing with talking. Josh was so incredibly proud of him for overcoming his trauma and he told him every day that he was. Josh loved Tyler's voice so much, especially when Tyler started to sing absentmindedly while doing meaningless tasks like folding the laundry or washing dishes.

It's been another year since the wedding. Tyler still didnt have a job because he didnt feel like he was ready to be under that amount of pressure yet. Josh didnt mind though, he made more then enough money to provide for the both of them and even had plenty left over to help Zach pay his rent when hed come up short some months.

During the last while though Tyler had accomplished alot of things that he was very proud of himself for. He now had a drivers license and Josh got him his own little car so Tyler could go out if needed while Josh was at work with his car.

Tyler had also started taking  online college classes, he was studying english and psychology. He wasnt sure if he liked it or not yet but it kept him busy while Josh was at work so he continued to attend them.

After his online lecture today he realised groceries were running low so he grabbed the credit card Josh left for him incase he needs anything or wants to go for groceries. He grabbed his keys and locked the apartment before heading downstiars and out into the parking lot.

He got in his car and put some music on before driving himself to the grocery store. Once he got there he headed inside and grabbed a cart. There used to be a time where he wouldnt leave his apartment building by himself but he slowly built up the confidence to do stuff on his own over the years.

He hummed softly to himself as he went around the store, tossing the things he knew they needed in the cart and even a few things that were just on sale for a good price. He was reading the health information on the back of a box of cereal continuing to hum softly.

"Wow is this ever a surprise. Tyler out by himself? Strange." He heard a voice say. He froze slightly and slowly turned to the source of the familiar voice. He instantly felt his throat tighten at the sight of his father. He hasnt seen the man since he and Josh helped Zach move out.

"Wheres your lil fag boyfriend?" The man asked. Tyler swallowed thickly and turned away from him. He tossed the box of cereal in his hands into the cart and continued walking. "I'm talking to you, you pathetic shit." His father said grabbing his arm, making him stop his movements again.

His breaths were shaking, his chest and throat felt tight and dry. He hated how just the sound of this mans voice had him practically curling in on himself, even after all the healing and progress hes made.

"Oh wait that's right you dont talk cause you know better now huh? You know you're just a worthless fuck." His father said. Tyler stared at his feet, swallowing thickly once again. "Hm? Nothing to say?" The man asked.

"F-fu-ck- fuck you." Tyler struggled to get out, this being the first time hes felt genuine fear to speak since he started talking again. "Oh so the faggot does talk." His father laughed. Tyler clenched his teeth.

"What happened to you knowing your place?" The man asked. Tyler was quiet, not looking at the man who took a few steps closer. Tyler could feel his breath on his face. "Do I need to remind you?" The man asked darkly.

"You- you need to le-ave me alone." Tyler replied shakily. He was struggling to keep his composure and not fall back into being mute even tho his mind so desperately screamed for him to.

He felt like completely shutting down and just crying but he tried to breathe his way through it. His fathers hand moved and he flinched before the contact was even made but once the contact was made the attention of a few nearby customers was gained.

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