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Zach ended up staying the night on the couch and in the morning Josh was up to make everyone breakfast. Zach woke up and went into the kitchen to talk to Josh as he cooked while Tyler was still asleep in the bedroom.

"I'm gonna go get Tyler you can start eating if you want." Josh said once the food was done. Zach nodded. Josh went into the bedroom and gently shook Tyler's shoulder making the younger whine softly. "Come on ty breakfast is ready." Josh said. Tyler shook his head with another whine and buried his face in the pillows.

"Arent you hungry?" Josh asked. Tyler shook his head then rolled over to look at Josh. My stomach hurts. He signed. "Hurts how?" Josh asked. I feel like throwing up. Tyler signed with a pout. Josh sighed softly and reaches his hand out to feel Tyler's forehead, checking for a fever.

"I'll bring you in some medicine and you can go back to sleep okay?" He asked. Tyler nodded. "Okay.. do you need anything else?" Josh asked. Lay with me? "I gotta eat and get ready for work.... want me to see if zach will come in?" Josh asked. Tyler nodded. "Okay." Josh whispered, kissing Tyler's forehead before leaving the room to get some medicine.

"Wheres tyler?" Zach asked as Josh came back into the kitchen. "Hes not feeling well.. I gotta get ready for work but hes wondering if you'll go in with him" josh replied. Zach nodded. "Of course. I'm just gonna finish eating first." He said. josh nodded and got some medicine for Tyler before heading back to the bedroom.

He helped Tyler take it and kissed his forehead before starting to get ready for work. When zach came in he laid down on the bed, allowing tyler to cuddle up at his side. "You can put the tv on if you want zach." Josh said as he grabbed a tie from the closet. Zach nodded and did so, keeping it at a low volume so he wouldnt disrupt Tyler.

"How you feeling?" Zach asked softly. Tyler raised his hands and said something. Josh watched out of the corner of his eye as he tied his tie in the mirror. "His stomach hurts." He said. Zach looked over at him before nodding and rubbing Tyler's back.

"Whar time will you be back?" Zach asked. "I usually get off around six." Josh said as he pulled his jacket on. "If you need me Tyler has my number you can call... help yourself to anything in the kitchen and all that jazz." Josh said. Zach nodded. "Okay.. see you." He said. "See ya." Josh replied as he walked over to kiss Tyler's forehead one last time before heading off to work.

Tyler watched as Josh left the room before looking up at his brother. Zach smiled softly before looking at the tv. The two watched it for awhile before tyle rpushed himself up and got off the bed. "Where are you going?" Zach asked. Tyler signed something and went to leave. "What?" Zach asked.

Tyler stopped and looked at him signing again. "I-... I dont know what that means ty." Zach said. Tyler pointed out into the hall but zach still looked confused. Tyler signed heavily and moved his hands to cup his crotch   jumping back and forth from kne foot tot the other. "Oh! Okay I get it now." Zach laughed, tyler smiled and nodded before finally heading out of the room.

When he came back he cuddled back up ar zach's side. "Ty?" Zach asked. Tyle rlooked up at him. "Do you think that you'll ever talk again?" His brother asked. Tyler looked st the tv and shrugged. "I think you should." Zach said.

Tyler sighed and pushed himself to sit up and look at his brother. "I miss you talking... I miss your voice and when you used to sing to me." Zach said. Tyler just stared at him for a moment before pursing his lips. "I know about what happened with you and dad.. he told me... he told me everything and that's the real reason we got in the fight. I got mad at him and told him to apologize to you and he wohldnt and got mad at me for defending you." Zach said.

Tyler frowned. "I'm really sorry that he treated you that way... i-... I wish you would have told me." Zach whispered. Tyler sniffled ad he started to tear up and moved to hug his brother. "I just want you to know that dads wrong. Your voice isnt annoying or stupid and what you have to say does matter.. and I want you to know that i love you and your voice and your thoughts and ideas.. I really hope that you can get past this and start talking again.. I really miss being able to talk to you and listen to you sing and laughs and just.. being happy." Zach said.

Tyler took a shaky breath and laid down again, sniffling as he focused back on the tv. He didnt know what to do. He wanted to talk to his brother but even if he would, he didnt know what he would say.

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