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Josh and Tyler were out grocery shopping today. Tyler sighed boredly as Josh was trying to figure out what kind of salad dressing he wanted to buy. He pursed his lips and looked around the store, freezing when someone familiar caught his eye. His eyes widened, lips parted as he started to tremble slightly.

Josh tossed a bottle of ceaser dressing in the cart before going to continue shopping. He stopped and turned around when Tyler didnt follow. "Tyler? You coming?... what's wrong?" Josh asked, when he noticed Tyler's change in behavior.  When Tyler didnt even so much as look at him he walked over and gently grabbed Tyler's arm.

Tyler looked at him then. "What happened? Why are you crying?" Josh asked. We need to leave. Tyler signed shakily. "Why? What's wrong?" Josh asked. We need to leave now! Tyler grabbed Josh's hand and tried to drag him towards the exit. "Hey hey no. We need to get the groceries ty." Josh said.

Tyler shook his head, shakily terribly.  We need to go home. "Look theres only a few more things i need to get then we can go okay?" Josh asked. Tyler sniffled and swallowed thickly. Josh smiled softly telling Tyler he was okay and they continued shopping. Tyler clung to Josh's arm though, staring fearfully at that familiar face, praying to god that, that face wouldnt see him.

Tyler started shaking more when they got closer to this person. Tyler sniffled and buried his face in Josh's side, not wanting to look anymore. That didnt last long though. "Josh? Dude is that you?" A voice spoke. Josh looked up and smiled. "Hey what's up." He chuckled as Tyler looked up. Tyler froze again, not moving a muscle, not even when Josh moved away to hug the other man.

Tyler didnt know what to do. He wanted josh to protect him, but josh was currently catching up with his old friend, who just happened to be one of Tyler's exs. "This is my boyfriend tyler." Josh spoke and Tyler felt like his lungs shriveled up when his ex made eye contact.

"Tyler holy shit!" His ex grinned. "You know Tyler?" Josh asked. "Yeah me and him go way back. Isnt that right?" Tyler's ex asked, reaching out to ruffle Tyler's hair. Tyler flinched and squeezed his eyes shut, holding his breath. Josh furrowed his eyebrows at Tyler's reaction, glancing at his friend, James carefully.

"What you're not gonna say hi to me?" James asked. Tyler only stared at him, shaking with tears in his eyes. "What you still a mute or whatever the fuck it's called?" James asked. Tyler hung his head, staring at the floor, shoulders tense. "Jesus christ. I dont know how you put up with that." James said.

"Put up with what?" Josh asked carefully and he wrapped an arm around Tyler's shoulders and pulled him close. "That." james said pointing at Tyler. Tyler's breaths were shaky and struggled and he wanted to disappear so badly.

"How'd you say you knew Tyler again?" Josh asked. "Me and him used to date.. good luck by the way." James said. Josh nodded slowly, now he knows why Tyler's so scared. "You cant get anything done with this little brat around." James said.

Tyler looked up at  him, tears soaking his cheeks. "Look at him. Hes so fucking pathetic." James laughed. Tyler looked up at Josh, and right away he could tell Josh was no longer buddy buddy with james. He looked pissed off. "It was nice seeing you but we gotta go." Josh said, going to walk away, his arm still around Tyler's shoulders.

"Hey no wait let's go get a coffee and catch up a bit." James said. "I think were okay." Josh said irritatedly. "Oh come on josh you cant seriously be upset over what I said about this little dweeb." James said shoving Tyler a bit. Josh grabbed james wrist and held it tightly. "Dont touch him." He said seriously before letting go.

"Come on dun dont be so defensive over this desperate fucking slut. All hes gonna do is mooch off you and your money for a while before you find out hes been letting a bunch of asshats fuck him senseless whenever youre not around." James said. "Yeah okay." Josh replied, obviously believing him.

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