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One day Tyler was feeling particually clinging and whiny and needy so he slipped out of his apartment and across the hall to Josh's. Josh was sitting on the couch watching tv. He looked up when he heard the door open and smiled at the sight of Tyler.

"Hey ty." He said. Tyler blushed and looked at his feet as he quickly walked over to the couch. He jumped up onto the cushions next to Josh, wanting so badly to curl up in the mans lap and have the man rub his back or play with his hair. He didn't though. He just sat quietly and stared at the TV.

Tyler was clearly not in his regular mindset. He was fiddling anxiously with his fingers and the sleeves of his hoodie, His toes that were covered in socks that went up to his knees were curling and uncurling in the couch cushions, and he just wouldnt look at Josh at all. Which was off.

"You okay?" Josh asked after a few minutes and Tyler very audibly whimpered and shuffled his legs close together from where he sat on his knees. "Ty?" Josh asked. Tyler whimpered again but kept his head hung, staring at his knees.

When Josh's hand went under his chin to lift his head up Tyler made a soft whiney sound, shuffling his thighs together again. "What's wrong?" Josh asked. Tyler was panting softly, staring at Josh through tears that had started forming in his eyes.

"Oh tyler- please dont cry." Josh said. Tyler leaned forward slightly, wanting to be closer to Josh. "What's the problem? Hm?.. did you wanna use my phone to type out what's wrong?" Josh asked. Tyler shook his head. "Tyler. Tell me." Josh said sternly.

Tyler whimpered loudly, his head dropping forward. He was getting hard, shaking, trembling. Josh moved his hand to cup Tyler's jaw and Tyler almost fell over from how quickly he moved to lean into the touch.

Josh caught him though, moving the younger to sit in his lap and only then did he realise what was wrong. He felt Tyler's hard on against his thigh. "Oh." He whispered. Tyler moaned, sitting up on his knees and pressing his chest to Josh's. His hands found their way to Josh's hair, tangling in the curls.

Josh swallowed thickly taking a deep breath as Tyler clung to him, whimpering like a lost puppy in his ear. "Okay..." josh whispered, carefully setting his hands on Tyler's hips. "Hey there little one. Such a good little pup hm?" Josh asked.

Tyler whined, squirming in Josh's hold. "What a good boy." Josh said, running his hands up Tyler's sides. Tyler felt an overwhelming amount of emotions flood over him. Josh was touching him. Josh called him a good boy. He was a good boy.

He buried his face as far as he possibly could in Josh's neck, making the cutest little sounds. He was clinging so tightly to Josh, so needy as he nudged his nose against Josh's jaw.

"Shh I got you." Josh whispered, rubbing Tyler's back. Tyler whined, trying to get closer, he was already as close as he could get so that didnt work. "What do you want me to do? Hm?" Josh spoke softly.

Tyler only squirmed in response. "Did you want me to touch you?" Josb asked and at this point Tyler wasnt holding back, he didnt care, he just really really really wanted Josh's touch. So he nodded frantically agaisnt Josh's neck, whimpering and whining.

Josh carefully grabbed Tyler's hips, leading them downward so tyler was properly sitting on his lap. Each tiny little grunt or whimper tyler made caused Josh's stomach to swirl with something unrecognizable. He reached down between himself and Tyler and cupped tyler through his shorts.

Tyler mewled and started grinding agaisnt Josh's palm, hiccupping out the most adorable little tiny needy moans in the whole world. He didnt last even a second after that, cumming in his underwear through little sobs and moans.

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