Chapter 7: Battle Prep

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In Team ASRN's dorm, Akira sat on his bed and wrote in his "Huntsman Journal" Hikari walked into the room "Hey Akira, you're already here?" "Of course I am, my feelings need to be expressed somewhere." Akira said, "I'm not worried about that. You just made it here so quickly." Hikari said. Nate walked in, slightly covered in blood from Cobalt, "When you've been here for a year, you learn the fastest ways to your favouite places. "Is Cobalt okay? I heard Bailey was sent to the infirmary too, I heard she's allergic to tomatoes and she got lasagna on her when Sung missed Tinuviel" Akira said, Hikari sighed and sat down on his bed "I'm sorry I listened to Kyuu and told Glynda what was going on. It's my fault you guys got in trouble in the first place..." "Its not your fault, you did what was right." Akira said.

"They are both okay. Bailey's reaction wasn't deadly and Cobalt is able to attend classes but he can't fight for a week" Nate said. "And Kyuu...?" Akira asked. "In Ozpin's office. I think she is suspended for a week" Nate said, "Ouch, that means Team SCHS will have only 2 members when we start training tomorrow" Akira frowned, "Oh that's right! We start training tomorrow!" Hikari gasped, "I'm not entirely sure on this, but considering we fight against third years, they might get two members of SSHMPN on their team as replacements" Nate said, "If not, I don't know if SCHS can do any sparring matches" Akira said, "I think they'll have to use two members of SSHMPN" Nate said, "Hm... yeah, makes sense. They are the biggest team in school so it would make sense to use them as subs..." Hikari said. Tinuviel walked in to ASRN's dorm, "Yeah, I believe they will use Danny and Brian seeing as they were only a two man team for a while. Or they will let the team choose the two members depending on whose semblances work best with each other" he said as he stretched his back from side to side, "I'd love to fight with Meowch..."  Shizue said, "I bet you would" Nate smirked, "Yeah... I would... a lot..." Shizue smiled, "Aww~! You love him~!" Hikari mocked, "And you love Link~" Shizue said back, "N-No I don't! Okay, maybe..." Hikari shrank.

"I wonder how Kyuu is going" Tinuviel said, "I'm sure she's fine." Hikari said, "Hopefully... she'll be okay... it's Kyuu... she'll be fine" Shizue said, "I just mean how much trouble she is in.. She seemed off when we went to exercise earlier too..." Tinuviel said, "Maybe you should check on her, If Ozpin would allow that" Shizue said, "Yeah, I think I will. I'll let you know how it goes" Tinuviel left to go see Kyuu. Hikari sighed "I don't know... Do you even think that Oz will let him see her?" "What's going to happen to her...?" Shizue asked, "I think Oz likes Tin. He might let him see her" Nate said, "Maybe." Hikari said. "No idea. I'm going to check on Sung, he seemed upset and he's never like this" "Alright then" Shizue said, "Yo Shi, you wanna come with me to see Meouch?" Nate asked, "U-um... Okay!" Shizue stood up and ran over to Nate, "Alright. We'll catch up with you all soon" Nate said and the two left, leaving Akira and Hikari alone.

The students finished up their first day back by hanging out with friends and enjoying themselves while they had no classes on. They were unaware that their first practice battles started tomorrow between other second year teams and some third year teams. They ate dinner and got ready for bed before their big day tomorrow. 

The next day started with many students up bright and early. "Morning everyone!" Hikari shouted, "Morning..." Shizue said softly, "Shizue, did Kyuu go back to your room last night...?" Hikari asked, "No" Shizue said sadly. Suddenly, Team BKRA walked down the hallway where Hikari and Shizue were. "So girls... and guy. You ready to beat whomever we're paired with?" Bailey said to her team, "Oh yeah, I'm so pumped" Kokoda said, Tinuviel walked out of his room, "We haven't even been told who we are up against yet and who's going first. But yeah I'm pumped!" Tinuviel said as he flexed his muscles, "We weren't talking to you." Raven said, "Hey, that's mean. Sorry about that." Ash said. "Maybe they weren't talking to you, seeds for brains." Kurai appeared out of nowhere, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to impose.." Tinuviel blushed in embarrassment, "Don't fucking talk to him like that you bimbo" Nate growled; Now she was involved. "Nicely said, Nate." Kurai said, "Stuff a wing in it Birdbrain." Raven said to Kurai, who's wings puffed up like an angry bird "Shut it!" "There's really no need for this negative energy. We will attract Grimm so I suppose you all shut up and stop being so bloody rude to us and go to the cafeteria and eat your bloody food so I can kick your asses" Tinuviel said unnaturally rudely; He'd spent too much time around Nate.

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