Chapter 21: Weapons Drawn

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 The students started to head to Weapons class with Selkie Diraison, Nate now had knowledge of secrets only few knew. Selkie and Nate were in the classroom, waiting for the others. "Hey, where's Nate? She isn't walking with us" Akira realised. "I dunno" Tinuviel shrugged. Doom also shrugged, Amarillo stopped, "Guys, the crowd is too big for us to walk through" Amarillo was right, there was a giant crowd in the hallway; Walking through looked impossible. "Hey guys! Move out of the way! Scary tall dude in armour coming through!!" Pickles called out. Doom aggressively turned his head towards Pickles, though you couldn't see his face his eyes were slightly visible and Pickles was a little frightened. 

"Can anyone see what's causing the holdup?" Charcoal asked, "I'm on it" Amarillo said, "I'm tall and can't really see anything" Tinuviel said, Doom nodded in agreement with Tinuviel, Amarillo's wings unleashed and he started to rise into the air. Flying over the crowd, he started to see what was happening. Hikari looked up at Amarillo and suddenly felt inadequate. Amarillo gasped, "It's a tiny Grimm, it's bitten a student..."

"I'm sorry, I thought you said it's a Grimm" Cobalt said, "He did..." Akira retorted. "Let me through!!!" Honey screamed. "Me too!" Noi pushed through picking up Honey on the way, "A tiny Grimm?! Like a baby?!" Kurai asked with excitement

Honey and Noi made it to the injured student and healed them enough to get up and walk, Selkie stepped in and snapped the Grimm's neck, Kurai's wings drooped "Aw..." "You can't tame Grimm Kurai" Tinuviel said. "I would be up to the challenge" Kurai smirked, "Oh no you don't. You are NOT keeping a Grimm!" Hikari objected, "You're not my dad! You can't tell me what I can and can't do!" Kurai argued back, "Yes, but I'm your older brother." Hikari smiled, "Where the fuck did that Grimm come from?" Akira interrupted the argument. "More like how did it get in?" Cobalt corrected, "That's essentially the same fucking question" Akira shot back. "Probably walked in?" Hikari said, "You know who..." Doom said; He actually spoke. He spoke in a deep gravely almost demonic sounding voice. "Ironwood? You really think he'd do that?" Cobalt was shocked. Doom nodded, "Never thought I'd hear you speak... It's actually terrifying... No offence" Tinuviel said, "With all his negative attitude I wouldn't put it past him to draw them here" Pickles said. 

Ozpin made an announcement over the loudspeakers, "Attention all students, the event that just took place in the hallways isn't a situation that calls for emergency precautions, please head to your classes as usual. Thank you." 

"Thank you Noi and Honey. Noi please take the injured student to the medbay. Honey in my classroom please. Everyone please go to your classrooms. The matter has been dealt with" Selkie said, "Of course Miss Dirasion!" Noi helped the injured student, "Fuck. That was an event." Akira marveled as the crowd dissipated. "God damn Ironwood being so negative" Jojo said. Amarillo landed back on the ground, "That was intense from up above" he wiped sweat of his forehead, "Too many people in front of me, otherwise Doom and I would of been able to see" Tinuviel said, "Baby Grimm sounds adorable... too bad it was killed before I could get a look at it." Kurai sighed. "Um guys? The crowd's gone. We're late to class now." Akira said. "Hurry up then! Move it!" Pickles said. 

Everyone ran off to class. Selkie wasn't exactly pleased that so many of her students were tardy. "Well. I understand the circumstances as to why you're all late but you are all quite late." she said. "Sorry Miss Diraison." Grenadine said with her head down. "It's alright. I understand. Now all get settled in please" Selkie said. "Nate!? How the fuck did you get here first?" Pickles asked, "You know I don't like arguing with someone and they walk off like Ironwood did today. I went to continue the argument and ran into Miss Dirasion and Professor Sakura and I walked with Miss Dirasion here to the classroom" Nate explained, "You ran into my mother? What was she doing?" Akira asked. "Well, she was talking to Ironwood and he was a little crybaby and walked off. Then Miss Diraision walked up and they talked about how rude Ironwood was being" Nate explained; Of course, she didn't tell Akira everything. "Ironwood being a bitch, makes sense" Akira said. "Yup. That was it. Your mum then left as we did to go to her classroom" Nate finished. 

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