Chapter 29: Academy Combinate

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Tinuviel was lying on his bed in his dorm, classes were over for the day and everyone else headed to their dorms. Team SCHS walked in and saw Tinuviel out of the Medbay. "Tin! You're okay!" Shizue said, "Thank goodness." Kyuu ran over and hugged Tinuviel, looking away and blushing, "It's not like I was worried about you or anything..." Tinuviel hugged Kyuu back tightly, "Thank you for the hug... I needed it" he forced a smile, Kyuu reached up and played with Tin's hair. "What happened while you were in there? Was it boring as hell?" Cobalt asked. Tinuviel's smile was now a genuine smile while Kyuu played with his hair, "Of course it was boring. I was getting stitches put in all over my body... With no pain meds either..."

Kyuu brought a hand over one of Tinuviel's scars, "May I...?" "I... Just be careful please... I'm still in a lot of pain..." Tinuviel said. Kyuu gently traced a finger down the scar, her touch was so soft it left goosebumps up his arm. "How's Bailey? I heard she got badly hurt too" Tinuviel asked, "We don't know, she was unconscious and had blood everywhere, the robot swung backwards and slashed her with it's axe at high speed" Cobalt explained, "It... it should of been me... They shouldn't of let anyone else continue after me..." Tinuviel said, "The third years weren't notified of what happened" Cobalt explained, "They should've been" Tinuviel said. 

Charcoal walked in to SCHS' dorm and saw Tinuviel, "Omg, he's okay guys" he shouted to his team, "Tin!" Hikari shouted, "I'm alive. I wouldn't say I'm okay..." Tinuviel said, "Hey man, how are you going?" Akira asked, "Not gonna lie, I'm in the middle of a mental breakdown... But I could be better" Tinuviel said. "So Ozpin's here at Atlas, I wonder what Ironwood's done to cause him to come here" Akira said, "Ozpin is here because I'm injured" Tinuviel said, "That's nice that he cares about us so much to take the time to see you when he could be overseeing Beacon's reconstruction" Akira said, "Yeah, he told me a lot of things that made me feel better... But..." Tinuviel stopped, "But...?" Cobalt asked, "I still don't feel better about it... I feel weak, useless and pathetic... Back home I was the wrestling champion, untouchable and undefeated... Here I'm nothing but a tall dumb spider faunus who can't even use his semblance properly..." Tinuviel looked very upset again.

"Tin... I know this all just sounds like hot air... but you aren't pathetic. You're an amazing person, you're kind, you're compassionate, you're strong... and you see the good in people... you saw the good in me, after all..." Kyuu said. "I guess..." Tinuviel said quietly, "You can guess all you want, but you need to know deep down that people care about you. Everyone here cares about you... I care about you..." Kyuu said, "I know you all do, and I care about you all as well... I just need some more time to heal mentally from this" Tinuviel said, "I agree with Kyuu. You're an amazing friend, Tin. You were my family when I thought I had no one else... you are my family. Healing takes time, but we're all here for you" Hikari said, "You're my family too Hikari" Tinuviel said. 

"We all care about you Tin, we've all been friends since we were first years, there's nothing any of us wouldn't do to keep us all safe." Akira said, "I know, I'm glad I was injured and not any of you. I couldn't bare to see any of you this hurt" Tinuviel said, "I'm sure most of us would've preferred if it was us instead of you too" Akira said. 

The bell went for everyone to go to the cafeteria for dinner, then 2 hours afterward would be the Atlas Party that Nate, SSHMPN and Jessica had been planning for hours. 

"Here Tinuviel, I think you'd need this" Sakura handed Tinuviel a slip of paper, "Uh? Thanks?" Tinuviel looked confused, "It's a food pass, it's so you can take as much food as you want and don't have to pay for it. I told the Atlas staff what happened and they just gave me the pass to give to you" Sakura explained, "Really? You didn't have to do that for me..." Tinuviel said, "Yes I did, what happened to you was unacceptable and I had to do something about it" Sakura said, "Thank you.. I'm starving" Tinuviel smiled a little bit. 

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