Chapter 19: Iron Fist

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Everyone started walking to the cafeteria. "I'm starving after that fight" Nate said, Doom nodded in agreement. "I can't wait to see Beacon's cafeteria, Haven's is cool and all, but I've always wondered what the other school's cafeteria looks like" Amarillo said. "Well let's go find out" Jojo said. "Yahoo! Food!" Asuna shouted in joy.

The students entered the cafeteria. Tinuviel was already at his usual seat with a massive tray of food. "Wow he eats a lot... And doesn't put on any weight! What the hell!? Where does all that food go!?" Jojo asked surprisingly. "Most of it is converted into energy" Kyuu said as she walked past JoJo to sit next to Tin. "That makes sense. I'd put on a lot of weight if I ate like that... Wait, Guts eats like that... How come he isn't fat?" Jojo asked, Bouddicca shrugged. "Oh. My. God. It's Pizza! We get pizza!" Amarillo ran off to get in line. "PIZZA!?" Jojo left his friends and raced to get as many slices as possible. "Hey! Leave some for me, Jojo!!" Asuna ran after JoJo.

Doom looked at Nate, "Don't worry, I've organised food for Daisy for the entire week you're here. Literally as soon as you walk up you'll be handed your food and Daisy's food" Nate said. Doom smiled underneath his helmet, although no one can tell, "Thank you Nate" he faintly said, he was loud enough for only Nate to hear. Sakura walked in, "Hello everyone, how are you enjoy your time at Beacon so far?" she asked, "This place is nice, it's a little gothic looking though" Grenadine said. "It is a little bit. Now, did anyone see where Guts went? Selkie needs a little help finding him" Sakura frowned, "I don't know where he is... I bet I can find him though" Bouddicca said, "Are you seriously gonna go look for him after how he treated you?" Nate looked angry and confused, "Yes I am. I know he's going through a rough time... But before all this happened he told me... He told me he loves me, and I love him too. So yes, I'm going to go find him" Bouddicca explained. "Thanks for offering to help" Sakura received a message on her scroll, "Great. I have to go" she said

"Okay, I'm coming with you then. We don't know each other but your safety is my priority now." Nate said, "Thank you, but I don't need protecting from him.. He's not going to hurt me. He just yells a lot, he knows what I'm capable of." Bouddicca smiled at Nate, "Okay, just tell me if he hurts you and I'll put him in his place" Nate cracked her knuckles and walked away. "Of course, thank you Nate. You're a good person underneath your badass exterior" Bouddicca called out to Nate before looking for Guts.

Sakura walked off to Ozpin's office, a few teachers were inside already, one of them... James Ironwood.

"Sorry I'm a little late, my son has disappeared and refuses to talk to me" Selkie walked into Ozpin's office. "Ironwood? What are you doing here in Vale?" Sakura asked. "Well, some of my students are here, so I have to stop by and make an effort to at least see how they are all coping here" Ironwood said in a firm voice, standing with his arms behind his back. "Of course" Sakura nodded, "Now, everyone's here, so why don't you begin James?" Ozpin said.

"Thank you Ozpin. Now I don't mean for this to sound rude... But I would like to hold the Vytal Festival in Atlas this year. I think our school has a bigger colosseum and it's more suited to one of my students in particular... You should all already who I'm talking about" Ironwood explained, "What? But Atlas hosted 2 years ago, it's Beacon's turn this year." Sakura objected. "It's for everyone's safety this time. You have all seen what happens when John... I mean Doom snaps. He can't control his semblance and he goes on a killing spree, thankfully he's never killed actually people, only robots." Ironwood said. "Now now, James, it was your idea to cycle the hosting through the 4 schools fairly; Why would you want to change it now?" Ozpin asked.

"I just stated why. Were you even listening?" Ironwood looked angry. "This is absurd, Ironwood. It's Beacon's turn for the Vytal Festival, you can't just change the rules because you're unhappy with the results." Glynda said forcefully. "It's not that I'm unhappy. I'm trying to make sure the safety of everyone is secure in case he snaps again. He wasn't allowed to even participate in last year's Vytal Festival and it would be unfair for him to miss out on another" Ironwood said. "Where's Accord? Is she with that deranged cat again instead of being here?" Glynda asked. Accord walked in, holding Popoi, in a panicked state, "I'm so sorry I'm late! Popoi and I got caught up with something!" Accord said, "We have arrived, nyan" Popoi meowed. "We can make the colosseum bigger if required before the Vytal Festival starts in a few months." Glynda offered. 

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