Chapter 38: Fusion

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Antony caused a massive Robot Bear to fall to the ground in the middle of the Atlas Tundra. "Haha! Antony - 1, Robo-Bear - 0!" he smiled happily. "Bernie, stay here with JoJo!" Guts sprinted towards the robot and jumped on it. He struggled a bit getting his sword off his back one-handed but managed anyway. He then aggressively swung his hunk of metal into its chest then ripped it out again.

The robot rolled about in pain, before rolling onto it's back... While Guts was still on it. "Oh shit, is he okay?!" Akira asked, "GUTS?!" Danny yelled out, Doom sprinted towards the robot and lifted it up enough for Guts to get out from under it, "MOVE, NOW!" he growled. Guts grabbed his sword and crawled out quickly. After Guts got out from underneath the robot, Doom slammed the robot down. He and Guts ran back to the group.

"Okay, let's see how this goes..." Danny gripped Akira's scythe tightly and charged toward the robot. He sliced at the robot's leg, though he struggled a little bit. The robot's machinery whirred as it struggled to get up, as it did, it grabbed Ladybug in its paw and lifted her up. "AHHH! HELP ME!" Ladybug screamed, The robot threw her down into the snow, she landed hard on the ground.

Doom rushed over to Ladbug and carefully picked her up and ran back to the group. Nene looked up at the robot, and she pulled out her microphone. She sang into it, sending a shockwave through the snowy tundra. "I have no idea what to doooooo!!" Tinuviel said while running towards the robot, he jumped up and activated his semblance, he stuck to the robot as he ripped out the left eye, then jumped off the robot kicking it on his way down.

The robot roared out, louder than Nene's singing, it started to bleed out onto the snow, the snow around it started to turn black and red. Some blood also landed on Tinuviel, "EW, why didn't I move out of the way?" He looked down at himself, now covered in a weird substance. Emu stuck her finger into the strange substance, then put her finger into her mouth. "EW! BLECH I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAAAAT!" she retched in disgust.

Doom walked up to Tinuviel while still carrying Ladybug, "Grimm blood..." he mumbled. "Grimm Blood?!" Tinuviel cried in shock, "What does that even mean?!" Akira asked, "It's a robot though... Isn't it!?" Tinuviel looked at the robot then at the blood. "I've killed enough Grimm to know what their blood looks like and smells like..." Doom said softly, "How is that even possible?" Akira asked, "Not a fucking clue, but we should destroy it immediately!" Guts said with urgency.

The robot roared in pain, then anger. It ran to Guts and slashed him repeatedly while bleeding all over him. Guts screamed loudly in agony as the robot opened up a lot of his previous wounds. His blood and the robot/Grimm blood completely covered him. "GUTS!!!" Jojo cried out in fear for his friend as he rushed to him.

Meanwhile, all the way back at Atlas Academy, the main staff were monitoring everyone. "Guts has 6% Aura, should we do something?" Sakura asked, "I must go help him!" Selkie panicked, "We could send them backup?" Accord suggested, "I'm sorry Selkie, but we said we would not intervene unless it was an absolute emergency." Ironwood said with slight fear. "THAT'S MY FUCKIN SON YOU IDIOT! HE WAS ALREADY EXTREMELY INJURED BEFORE HAND! I'M NOT LOSING HIM TOO!" Selkie screamed. "Is a child low in Aura nyot an emewgency to you, nya?" Popoi meowed.

"Selkie, please be calm, we have to believe in their abilities, I know it's hard, but I'm sure someone can help him." Sakura said, "If he's as stubborn as you, he should be fine Selkie." Ironwood said. "I guess you're right. His aura was much lower than that when he was captured and tortured and he made his way back to me..." Selkie said, "Wait, he was WHAT?!" Sakura was in shock. "Oh, you didn't knyow? I thought word would have reached the other schyools" Popoi cat shrugged.

"Someone I used to unfortunately date named Coal had an army of Grimm and soldiers and broke into the school. Im not sure what their goal was but while I was busy protecting everyone else Guts decided to fight Coal by himself... All I remember was hearing him scream out in pain, by the time I got there... The only things left was Guts's sword stuck in the ground covered in blood and... His left forearm..." Selkie explained. Sakura gasped, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry that happened to you and your son. That's awful..." she said quietly.

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