Chapter 22: Grimm War

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Many students and teachers continued to fight the onslaught of Grimm that was inside Beacon Academy.

Ozpin made an announcement over the loudspeakers, "Attention all students, we now require first and second year students outside to fight Grimm coming in through the gates. Once again, remain calm, and blame Ironwood."

"Hell yes!!" Nate grinned. Teams ASRN, SCHS, ARBK, Jojo, and Asuna ran outside to fight Grimm; Guts and Bernadetta stayed behind. When they got outside, a beowolf stood in front of them, ready to strike.

"Yesss! We get to hit Grimm!" Asuna rushed forward, her steps thumping like a heavy bass through a subwoofer. She lifted her axe above her head and jumped, striking the Grimm in the head. Not enough to kill it, just enough to disorient it. The Grimm walked around disoriented, then swiped Asuna's feet, taking her to the ground and knocking her head. "Oof!" Asuna slid along the ground. "ASUNA!!" Jojo cried out for his best friend, accidentally activating his semblance which was his older brother, Caine's, spirit. Caine rushed towards the Grimm, slicing it's torso enough to make it bleed before disappearing again. Asuna's eyes sparkled, "Uwaa!" The Grimm stumbled around and hit Jojo lightly in the chest. "Ow! Asuna let's go!" Jojo picked her up and rushed back to the others, "Hey now! I can walk!" Asuna giggled. "A bit late for that" Nate stated as Asuna and JoJo were already back with everyone. Asuna laughed, "I know!"

Akira ran up to the Grimm, splitting his scythe in half, the unused half's blade retracted into an extension pole. He sliced the Grimm's torso, which bled heavily. The Grimm let out a deafening screech and swiped at Akira, he flew 10 meters and hit the ground hard. "Akira!" Nate screamed and rushed over to him. Akira's suit was partly torn and his scythe was an additional 5 meters away from him. "I'm okay, I think..." he groaned. "You better be!" Nate said. Shizue grabbed Kento's hand, "You ready, Kento?!" Kento opened his pocket dimension, grabbing out two double barrel shotguns. "AWESOME!" he handed a gun to Shizue. They both pointed their guns at the Grimm's head, "Ready?! Tiro..." Shizue started, both finished by shouting, "Finale!" together as they fired simultaneously. The bullets shot straight into the Grimm's head. It screeched loudly and fell backwards, it faded into smoke and disappeared.

"You guys! That was awesome!" Hikari said, "Kento, when were you going to use that attack in battle?! Do you know how helpful that would be in a battle?!" Ayashii asked, "Eheheh... it only really seems to work when Shizue is by my side!" Kento smirked, "We never had to use that often because we never really had a lot of Grimm near our home" Shizue explained.

Suddenly, a giant Ursa stormed through the gate, it saw Akira and Nate on the ground and started running toward them. "Fuck! Akira get up!" Nate screamed. "Oh no, Akira!" Shizue said while panicking. Doom came charging in to save his friend and Akira while covered in Grimm blood, you could barely make out that it was even him. He stopped the Ursa with his bare hands long enough for Akira and Nate to escape, but he was too busy making sure Nate and Akira made it away in time that the Grimm attacked Doom and threw him about 7 meters away from everyone into a wall.

Cobalt ran up to the Ursa and slashed one of it's arms with his Naginata, it started to bleed onto the ground. The Grimm used it's bloodied arm to hit Cobalt, he fell backwards and was now covered in Grimm blood. "Eww. It's all sticky and it smells" Cobalt said. Ayashii looked up at the Grimm and summoned his tome to his hand, "Enough!" he charged a ball of flame in his hand and threw it at the Grimm but the flame only singed the Grimm's fur. Ayashii looked at his tome and the spirit inside, with a confused look on his face. Before he could comprehend what happened, the Grimm swiped at him, but he was lifted up into the air and out of harms way. He looked up to see another student from Shade, "Kocho?!" he cried. "Not saving you because I care. Saving you for his sake." said Kocho, a member of Team MAKL, "Why are you here?! What about your team?!" Ayashii asked, Kocho lowered Ayashii to the ground, with her usual aloof expression on her face, but her eyebrows were showing concern. "I... forgot about them" Kocho said.

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