Chapter 17: The Exchange

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New characters are introduced in this chapter, head to the Character profiles to learn about them.

Team ASRN, SCHS and KRAL discovered a devastating secret about Hikari and Kurai, they were brothers. "So yeah, turns out, we're brothers" Hikari reinstated. "Really?" Tinuviel said with a mouthful of food following behind them. "But how? You two are always at each other's throats" Link said. 

"When our village was destroyed..." Kurai stopped, "...I hate remembering that day... but when that happened, I wasn't found until the day after Hikari was found by Ms. Shinwa" Kurai explained. "And... because of the trauma from the event, I didn't even remember Kurai... I knew I had a brother, but I didn't know if he had made out alive... but now I do!" Hikari threw his arm over Kurai's shoulder. "So are you two going to be bosom buddies, or will you two continue to hate each other?" Link asked.

"I still hate him." Kurai smirked, "Aw c'mon!" Hikari exclaimed. "That's awesome! You two should really be happy you have each other.. My brother was taken from me.. I wish he was still here with me.. All the bonding you two can have is what I hope I can have again soon" Tinuviel said. 

After a long day, full of fights, truths and scares, the students went to bed and contemplated the news and the day that was.

A few weeks pass, the students spent time learning, training and hanging out with each other, Ozpin was clear that at some point within the month, a few teams from other schools would arrive on exchange to Beacon, the news buzzed around the school as the days drew closer to the end of the month. Ozpin made an announcement over the loudspeakers one day, "Good afternoon students, can you all make your way to the amphitheater, our Exchange Teams have arrived."

"Ooh, this is exciting!" Cobalt was happy, "The exchange students are here?!" Hikari was surprised, "Oh great. More people." Kyuu said rudely, "Kento will be here!!!" Shizue cheered, "Oh!! Yay!!" Tinuviel was excited too. "Great. More annoying people" Nate said in the same tone as Kyuu. "C'mon guys!" Shizue started running toward the Amphitheater

"Shizue! You're still in your pajamas!!" Hikari called out, Shizue looked at her clothes, "Oops!" Shizue smiled, "I can't wait to meet everyone!" Tinuviel said. Shizue quickly changed and ran out, but she still had her slippers on. "She's excited to see her brother" Nate said, "Yeah I don't blame her" Hikari said, "Do we follow her?" Kyuu asked, "I suppose so" Tinuviel said. 

Everyone assembled in the Amphitheater, many students were standing on the stage, looking as the room started to fill. "Oh boy, this is so exciting! I can't wait to explore this school!" Amarillo said to his team. "This place is quite different to Haven" Alizarin said

"Where is she?" Kento started looking around, "Where where where?!" "Who are you looking for, you idiot?" Ayashii asked, "My sister!! I know she's here! Where is she?!" Kento kept on looking, "I'm sure she's here. This is her school after all" Bouddicca smiled. Kento was now looking around frantically, "Describe her! I'll be able to see her from 6 feet up!" Asuna smiled, "Short blonde girl, has ears like mine! Has a high bun/ponytail thing" Kento described the person.

"There! She's at the door!" Asuna pointed at someone, "SHIZUE!!!" Kento ran over to her, "KENTO!!" Shizue hugged him tightly, "Wow, you can tell they are siblings" Jojo smiled, "Aw! She's so little!" Asuna cooed, "Asuna! You can't say that, that might offend her" Bouddicca gasped, "Are these your friends?" Shizue asked, "Yeah! These are my friends!" Kento started. 

"Our Team Leader, Ayashii Ichigo," "I'm not your friend." Ayashii growled, "Bouddicca" Kento continued, "It's very nice to might you" Boudicca smiled, "And Tank Girl!" He finished, "Huh? Oh Hi!!" Tank turned around and waved. "And our brother team, Jojo" "Hello" Jojo waved awkwardly, "Asuna" "Hello there!! Asuna hugged Shizue into her chest, "We've heard so much about you!!" "And Bernie!" Bernadetta was hiding behind Ayashii, "H-hello..." 

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