Chapter 26: The Atlas Lights

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Everyone returned to their new dorms and sat on their beds, "Jeez... he didn't need to be mean about it..." Hikari frowned, "He can't help it. Everyone hates him and he has no friends... Probably a virgin too" Nate grinned, "I'd hate to see what classes will be like tomorrow" Akira said, "Probably full of notes and boringness" Cobalt frowned. All of the lights went off, a few strip lights went on around the top edges of the room. "I hope tomorrow will be better..." Shizue said, "We all do Shi, we all do..." Cobalt sighed, "Please don't call me Shi. I only like it when Kento does it" Shizue said. "Oh, sorry about that..." Cobalt said.

Tinuviel snuck in to see Hikari, "Hey! Hikari!! Have this" he handed Hikari some food that Sakura gave him, "Uwa! Tin! Thank you..." Hikari spluttered, "What about Meech, Shizue?" Kyuu mocked, "Do you have to shout? We'll get caught" Charcoal said, "I... well... uh" Shizue stuttered, "It's okay, you didn't get to eat so here. I better go back to my room, cya tomorrow" Tinuviel said as he left. Team SCHS headed into their room, leaving Team ASRN all alone in theirs. "Today was a complete mess. I hope things don't get any worse" Akira said, Hikari sighed, "Since you said that, now it's going to..." 

"I thought you and Tin were the Jinxes" Akira said, "I'm tempted to kill him honestly..." Nate said, "Nate, we can't..." Hikari said, "Well actually we can, it'll just be wrong..." Nate said, "It's Ironwood... he's probably really strong..." Hikari seemed down. "I reckon Tin could take him, if we make Tin really pissed off... I reckon Tin could rip off Ironwoods arm and beat him to death with it... I'm picturing it now... What bliss" Nate had a sadistic smile on her face. "Yeah... I guess so..." Hikari rolled over and faced the wall, away from everyone else, clutching his pillow tightly. "Hikari... It's gonna be okay. I promise, I'm gonna be here for you the whole time, okay?" Nate said comfortingly. "I know... I'm just... already feeling homesick..." Hikari said sadly.

"I feel confused... I used to attend here, now I'm at Beacon... But I'm in this hell again... I hate it here... I think I'm homesick too..." Nate said. "I know it's silly to already feel homesick... but... I already miss looking forward to tomorrow. I already miss when eating meals felt fun. I miss... I miss home..." Hikari said sadly, "It's horrible here... I hope Ozpin fixes Beacon and we can go home asap" Nate said, "I think... I think I'm just gonna have a cry and then go to sleep..." Hikari said. "Did he say how long it would take?" Akira asked, "I don't think so" Nate said, "Do... Do you need or want a hug??" she asked Hikari, Hikari had already started to cry, "Yes please..." Nate got up off her bed and walks over to Hikari with her arms open. Hikari got up and literally ran into Nate's arms, "It's okay" Nate grabbed hold tightly, but not tight enough to hurt him, and she rubbed his back.

Ironwood banged on Team ASRN's door, "It's nighttime, go to sleep. Stop making noise." "You're making more noise then we are... Fuck off ya tincan!" Nate yelled. Hikari let go of Nate, feeling guilty for letting out his emotions, Nate didn't let go of Hikari because she knew how he felt. Cobalt started banging on Team SCHS' door to spite Ironwood, "I'll call Doom if you don't leave right now!" Nate yelled. "John doesn't scare me." Ironwood was clearly lying, but trying to stand his ground, he had a clear grimace on his face although no-one could see it. Amarillo started banging on Team AGUA's door to add to the noise, the rest of his team joined in. Team BKRA joined in too; their goal was to drive Ironwood crazy. 

"I'll let him know you called him by his first and that you aren't scared of him then shall I?" Nate threatened. Zeppelin bashed down her team's door and was staring at Ironwood, she had a crazy look in her eyes, her right eye twitched a lot. Due to the noise, Ayashii yelled loudly, "I GET THAT YOU WANNA PISS OFF IRONWOOD BUT SOME OF US ARE GENUINELY TRYING TO SLEEP! CUT IT THE FUCK OUT!" Guts ripped open his door, he has an aggressive red aura around his body and looked extremely pissed off, "What... In THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON!!" he screamed. "Guts! Please calm down!" Bernadetta cried, "Are we all yelling now?! I'M IRONWOOD AND I'M MEAN BLEH BLEH BLEH!" Asuna giggled.

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