Chapter 1: The Buzz Of The Ball

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It was time for the Beacon Ball! The students had been working hard all year, training both their brains and bodies. Professor Ozpin had decided that before the school year ended, the students needed to be rewarded for their efforts and and hard work. Team ASRN had an issue with a member of their team. After reading her transcripts, Ozpin noticed it had been forged, and it resulted in expulsion and one less member in their team. Luckily for them, a new student was transferring over from Atlas who coincidentally had the same first name as their old teammate. The reason for her transferal was unknown to the students.

The students prepared for the ball, helping each other pick out outfits and setting up the hall for the party. Teams ASRN and SCHS were ready to meet the newest member of Team ASRN.

"I can't wait to meet the new member of your team!" Shizue exclaimed with excitement, "Eh, apparently they have the same name as our old teammate, so it's not like we have to adjust to a new name" Hikari said with a shrug. "Shame your old teammate got expelled" Kyuu said blankly. "Ah well, there was something off about her anyway" Akira said.

"I feel like she had it out for me... but yeah, I can't wait to meet our new teammate!" Hikari's feathers ruffled with happiness. "Yeah, she did seem a little off" Tinuviel agreed. "Well, she's gone now" Charcoal added. Tinuviel was now curious about the new student, "Does anyone know anything about the new student?" Tinuviel looked around the room, seeing if anyone had a response to his question, but there was no answer for a short time, until Kyuu piped in...

"Don't know... don't care" Shizue was shocked at Kyuu's response, "Kyuu! That's mean!" "What? You told me to be more honest with everyone" Kyuu argued back, "That's a bit rough to say though" Tinuviel said, "Kyuu, that's really rude" Hikari added. Kyuu shrugged and put her hands behind her back. "I just hope she likes us all" Tinuviel said while putting his hands in his pockets. Akira was doubtful of this, "I dunno" he said, " I have a bad feeling about her" "But you haven't even met her yet!" Tinuviel was shocked that Akira would assume that the new student wasn't nice. "I know, it's a gut feeling" Akira said. "Well my gut is telling me that I'm hungry" Tinuviel said while rubbing his stomach, "Who wants to go get some food?"

"Ooh, I do!" Hikari said, "Food can't hurt" Cobalt chimed in, "Let's go get food then!" Shizue added. "Let's go then. I have no idea when she'll get here. Better to have a full stomach though when we do" Tinuviel smiled, though his mask covered it completely. "Yeah!" Hikari's wings fluffed with excitement, "I'll go with you, but not because I'm hungry, just because my team is going" Kyuu said quite bluntly. "Whatever, I'll come too" Charcoal grumbled.

"Why is everyone so angry today?" Tinuviel thought to himself.

"Where are we going to eat?" Hikari asked the group. "Well, we have today off. We can go into town and get some food? If you don't mind people staring at me though." Tinuviel mumbled the last part. "We're students at Beacon Academy! We're bound to get some weird looks!" Hikari exclaimed" "Especially with all the Faunuses." Kyuu said, "What do you have against Faunuses?!" Hikari asked with mild anger in his tone. "Nothing. But people are racist assholes and give Faunuses weird stares all the time."

Tinuviel was surprised at the arguement he sparked up. "I meant because of my mask, not because I'm a Faunus. No one can tell I'm a Faunus because my hands and arms are covered" All this talk of Faunus discrimination made Akira upset and angry at the same time. "I've been beaten up because people have seen that I'm a Faunus." Naturally, Hikari was already by Akira's side; It was in his nature to help people in need. "Don't worry Aki, we won't let anyone hurt you again." "Yeah, if it happens again, let me know" Tinuviel said, looking down at everyone; He was 4 inches taller than Akira, so you could imagine the height difference between him and someone like Hikari or Shizue.

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