Chapter 31: The Atlas Party Part II

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Doom had just screamed at Jaysin for picking on Shizue, the entire party went silent. The music stopped and everyone was staring at the incident. Jessica seductively walked over to see what was going on. She flicked her hair over her shoulder, "What on Remnant is going on here? Why are you trying to ruin such a great party? Do you want to turn out like Ironwood?" she looked angry. "Whatever. I'm outta here. Let's go team. ELLEN! COME ON!" Jaysin shouted, "Okay..." Ellen started to walk toward the door. "Hang on just a minute Ellen" Jessica stopped her, "You weren't being mean where you?" Doom shook his head 'no'. "How could I? I hated seeing how he treated her. It was so unfair" Ellen frowned.

"Then you can stay... Everyone else who is being a party pooper must leave... That includes anyone else here tonight. Understood?" Jessica looked around the room. "Thank you so much!" Ellen hugged Jessica, "My pleasure. Now that all the party pooper have left, Team SSHMPN will be on in five minutes!" Jessica smiled. The audience cheered, they kept on dancing as the lights and music came back on. "Doom, you're doing a great job... I'll have someone else take over as bouncer if you and your friend want to have a dance?" Jessica winked and walked away.

"Ooooh she means me Doom... Do you wanna dance with me? I really love SSHMPN's music" Zeppelin smiled at him, Doom nodded, "I heard you speak earlier... Why aren't you talking now?" Zeppelin asked, Doom said nothing, "Okay, you like being the strong silent type... I like it!" Zeppelin winked. Akira walked over to Nate and Kyuu, "Well, that was an event" he said, "Glad it's over... I'm glad Doom stayed calm.. That could of been bad..." Nate said. Marinette walked up to Nate and Akira, "Yeah, he could've snapped at him. And with so many people in one room, it could've been catastrophic" "It could of been horrible... But that weird coloured hair chick seems to be keeping him calm... Oh my God... I think he's in love... How cute and disgusting..." Nate said, "He's in love with a Haven student, and he's from Atlas. What'll happen when we all go back to our own Academies?" Akira asked.

Tinuviel appeared behind them, all sweaty, "Who's in love with who now?" "Doom and Zeppelin. And where have you been? Why are you all sweaty?" Akira asked, "I've been dancing with a new friend Asuna from Shade, she's been teaching me some moves" Tinuviel explained, "You smell" Kyuu smirked, "Sorry, I can't help it Kyuu" Tinuviel smiled, "And that's interesting... What if Doom isn't in love with her and just likes her as a friend??" "Well, she's very into him... It's kinda scary..." Nate said, "She's a cling. Stage 5" Akira smirked, "He doesn't seem to care though, just look at him... He's dancing for crying out loud!!" Tinuviel said, "Holy fucking shit, he is!!" Nate said, "This is... uncanny" Kyuu said, "Everyone's mood has changed in here, that's what I wanted. I'm glad people can relax here... That's all I want in this world... Peace" Jessica breathed out calmly.

"He's barely knows how to dance, and he's still better than most of us" Akira said. "Maybe that Asuna girl Tin mentioned can teach the rest of us" Kyuu chuckled, "Doom definitely needs to be taught how to dance... And same with that Zeppelin girl... She has no rhythm" Tinuviel said, "You're one to talk Tin" Nate smirked, "I have rhythm!!" Tinuviel objected, "Do you?" Kyuu asked, "Asuna said I did so I must have it!" Tinuviel said, "I want to meet this Asuna, if you wouldn't mind?" Kyuu said, "Absolutely... She's right over here!" Tinuviel gently grabbed a hold of Kyuu's hand and led her to Asuna.

 Asuna was busy killing it on the dance floor like an absolute Diva. "Excuse me, are you Asuna?" Kyuu asked, "Hm?" Asuna stood up and brushed off her outfit before clearing her throat, "Who's askin'?!" "Asuna! This is Kyuu! I was talking about her earlier remember?" Tinuviel smiled, This is the girl you wanted me to help you impress? Asuna asked, "What?" Kyuu was shocked, "Oop." Asuna looked embarrassed, Tinuviel's face went bright red, "Um... Yes..." "You Tin's Gf or somethin'?" Asuna asked, "Yeah" Kyuu answered. Asuna looked like she was trying to suppress excitement, "Oh. My gosh. YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!" "Eh?!" Kyuu stuttered, "Wait... We are dating? Like for real!?" Tinuviel looked confused and happy at the same time. "You... didn't know that...?" Kyuu asked, "We never actually talked about it... So how was I meant to know!?" Tinuviel responded. 

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