Chapter 2: Size Doesn't Matter

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Everyone left and went looking for outfits for the Beacon Ball, the girls and boys had split up to look for clothes separately. "Ooh! Nate, this would look so nice on you!" Shizue was pointing to a fully black, mid thigh length dress. Nate crossed her arms and shook her head, "Oh, okay... how about this?" Shizue was now pointing to a black glittery jumpsuit. "That is never going to fit, plus glitter is not brutal." "Oh, I just thought it would look good on you." Shizue said sweetly, "You... You think so?" Nate said quietly and blushed a little. "Of course I do!" Shizue said with a smile. "I've only ever worn guys clothes.. I've never worn anything girly. Nor have I had anyone say anything like that to me... If you can find that in a bigger size I'll try it on I guess.." Nate shrugged. "Well usually further back on the rack, the sizes get bigger, but I'm too short to reach..." Shizue sighed, "I'll look. What's your size Nate?" asked Bunji. Nate looked away, "XXL..." she mumbled, embarrassed by what she had to say. "Don't worry! There is nothing wrong with being a bit bigger!" Bunji said putting a hand on Nate's back. "Thanks" Nate said, "I'll try it on. Though it's not my style.." She grabbed her size and went to the change rooms to try it on.

"Shishi, could you help me pick something out?" Bunji asked Shizue. "Of course!" Shizue spotted a grass green dress with a slit on the side. "Oh my-" Bunji said in awe. "It would look perfect on you!" Shizue cheered. Suddenly, Nate appeared out of the change rooms, looking very uncomfortable. "That looks great on you!" Shizue said to Nate. "I don't know. This doesn't seem right.. I think I'll just stick to a suit maybe..." "Oh... that's okay, the guys are over looking at suits right now!" Shizue exclaimed. "Okay. I'll catch ya's later then.."

Nate got back into the change room and removed the dress and headed toward the suit shop to meet the guys. "Hey Nate, gave up on the dress? The guys are looking for a suit over there, if you need help then I'm sure someone can assist" Akira was surprised to see Nate, but he knew she would never be caught dead in a dress. "Thanks I guess" Nate said. "I feel like I'm too small for everything" Hikari crossed his arms and pouted. "I can't find anything either" said Tinuviel. Hikari looked over at Tinuviel, "Tin, we're at opposite ends of the spectrum. You can't find anything because you're too tall, and I can find anything because I'm too small" Hikari pouted again. "What do you think you'll go in Nate?" Akira asked. "I don't really like anything here either. I might go elsewhere an see what else I can find. Good luck." Nate left the store. "Everything is too formal here... I'm gonna go look for something less formal" As Hikari was about to leave, he crashed into a familiar face. "Watch where you're... Oh, it's you."

"I might go to the manager and see if I can get something custom made for you and I Hikari" Tinuviel walked to the front counter. "Hi, I'm Santiago, what can I help you with today?" "Thanks Tin! I gotta deal with this asshole" Hikari said with mild frustration, "Oh I'm the asshole now?!" said Kurai Akumi, Hikari's twin brother; Hikari and Akumi did not like each other. One bit, what's worse; They didn't even know they were brothers. "Kurai, I really don't want to fight you in the middle of a store" said Hikari, "Then let's take this outside!" Kurai angrily snapped back. "Being outside gives me an advantage. Light, remember?" Hikari said smugly. "Shut. Up." Kurai snarled. "Hello sir, my friend here and myself would like to know if we can get custom made suits for us, nothing here fits" Tinuviel explained to the manager, "Of course, what suit pieces are you looking for?" Santiago asked. "Come on you two, there's no point in fighting with each other" A voice said; It was Link, a member of the same team as Kurai. "I'm not entirely sure, something that matches my hair colour could be nice" Tinuviel told Santiago. "Well, for hair like yours: something blue, or even it's complimentary colour, orange, can be good for you" Santiago suggested to Tinuviel. "They both sound awesome" Tinuviel said excitedly. "Don't you be talking Link" Kurai snarled at Link. Hikari blushed as he saw Link, "I... I gotta go, we'll settle this later Akumi" "You're on Shinwa!" Kurai snarked. Hikari scoffed and walked over to Tinuviel. "Let me see what I have out the back, one moment please" Santiago headed out the back, Tinuviel was very excited. "Either way Tin, there's no doubt you'll look great!" Hikari said to Tinuviel, "Thanks. I know you will too!" Tinuviel was very happy about the fact that they could have suits for the Beacon Ball. "Hey Tin. Charcoal, Cobalt and I have bought our suits, do you need us to stay, or can we leave you here?" Akira asked. "If we can't find anything for me, I'll work something out for myself" Hikari said.

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