Chapter 20: Rumor Has It

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Everyone in the cafeteria had their own opinions about the recent rumors the Atlas students learned.

"Are you serious!? He used that excuse again!? As if Ozpin let him this time!!" Nate said, she was angry as hell. "H... hey now, surely it was for a good reason!" Hikari defended. "He said it's for Doom's sake. That because he is used to the Atlas arena it's beneficial for him... Only reason Doom took himself out of last year's was because Daisy was sick. Ironwood told everyone that Doom took himself out because he wasn't mentally stable which isn't true at all" Nate explained. "So Ironwood's trying to nonchalantly cheat his way into Atlas winning the Vytal Festival?" Amarillo asked. Doom nodded. "He knows Doom is really fucking strong, but Doom never uses his full strength unless it's on grimm" Nate said. "He could actually kill someone" Honey said, "Who the fuck are you?" Nate asked.

Ultraviolet started signing a message, "If Ironwood thinks he can cheat his way to victory, he can shove it." Amarillo translated. "Agreed. God I hate that man. I hate that he is using Doom and trying to make him a weapon against Grimm and possibly people..." Nate said, "Nate? You just completely ignored me..." Honey said, "I'm busy bimbo" Nate said rudely. "He's... really doing that...?" Hikari was shocked, "Not everyone in this world is kind hearted like you, Hikari." Kurai said, "He is doing it, and Doom knows it" Honey said. "I assume you're my replacement.." Nate said, "Yes I am. I'm Honey Primrose Daffodil. And you're Natasha Explosion, pleasure to meet you" Honey smiled, "Uh, yeah Hi" Nate said rudely.

Doom typed on his scroll, "Nate, don't be so mean to her. She's nice and Daisy likes her" he handed it to Nate, she read the message, "Huh, well if Daisy likes her I guess she's fine" she said, "Where's Jessica?" Nate asked, Doom shrugged his shoulders and took his scroll back. Shizue walked around looking around for Nate, "Naaaate? Where are youuuu?" she asked, "Shizue! I'm over here!" Nate shouted and waved her arms, Kento was waving his arms too. "Is something wrong?" Nate asked. "Nope! Just wanted to find you!" Shizue said, "Oh... Why though?" Nate looked confused, "We're friends, duh!" Shizue chuckled. Doom typed to Nate, "Oh my goodness! You've made more friends!" he handed his scroll to Nate, "I know that... What's this Doom?" Nate read Doom's message, "Yes Doom, I've made more friends, Doom gave a thumbs up and took his scroll back. 

"What's up Shizue and Kento?" Nate asked. Shizue sat down, "Honestly, not much" she said, "Yep. Noooot much" Kento agreed, "Ironwood took hosting rights of the Vytal Festival away from us, and gave it to himself." Akira said, "What?! Boooo!" Kento said, "Mary Kate said Ironwood's exploiting Doom for his strength" Amarillo said. Doom nodded, confirming Amarillo's story. "That's really cruel!!" Shizue said; She was unhappy for the first time in ages. "I know... Oh Doom by the way this is Shizue and Kento" Nate said to Doom, he waved awkwardly, "How do you think us Atlas students feel? We heard Ironwood's argument first hand!" Mary Kate said tensely.

"He can't just use you guys as an argument!!" Kento said, Shizue nodded, "That's just rude!" Shizue said. Doom shrugged, "I know but he did. Doom doesn't have full control over his semblance... He blacks out and doesn't remember what happened" Nate said. "Wait. If the Vytal Festival is now in Atlas, does that mean we're being moved? I really like it here..." Amarillo frowned. "I hope not, that would be so inconvenient to move us, you guys have only been here for half a day" Akira said. "I don't think they will move us for the week. We are already here, may as well keep us here" Nate said. "Atlas is cool, don't get me wrong, but I agree, it would be stupid to move us all" Mary Kate said. "I like it here more" Nate said, Doom nodded in agreement with Nate. "I hope Ironwood doesn't gloat about having hosting rights" Cobalt said, "He will" Nate said. "Ironwood is just being a brat. Brats shouldn't be able to get their way, but he has." Akira said.

Pickles finally showed up and heard what everyone had to say about Ironwood, "C'mon Akira... I'm sure his reasons are justified... Right...?" Hikari said, "Oh please, 'Let me host so I can abuse Doom's power for my own benefit' Complete brat attitude." Akira said. Doom nodded in agreement with Akira. "Oh yeah totally. He tried to do it last year too" Pickles said. "Yeah he did. Like I said earlier Doom pulled himself out for a good reason" Nate said, "And now he's forcing him in." Akira said. 

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