Chapter 36: The Atlas Tundra Face-Off

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Tinuviel, Ren, Emu and Marinette; now transformed into Ladybug, were staring into the eyes of a baby Manticore. "Oh wait, found my weapon!" Emu pulled what looks like a relay baton from under her dress. "We ready? I don't think it's gonna wait for us" Tinuviel said. Emu cracked the baton over her knee like a glow stick, and it expanded into a massive mallet almost the height of Tinuviel, "Battle time!" she smirked. "Woah..." Tinuviel marveled. 

Ren shoved a fire dust crystal into his gun and shot a few rounds at the Manticore, burning it in a few places. Emu rushed towards the manticore, mallet held above her head, and brought it down on the Manticore's head, the mallet let out a loud squeaky noise like a dog toy. Emu giggled happily as she jumped back. The Manticore flew at a fast speed toward the group and whipped Ladybug with its tail, sending her back a little bit. For once, Tinuviel loaded up his gauntlets with fire dust crystals, he threw a punch toward the Manticore, only a little bit of flames came out as it got jammed. Ladybug wrapped her yoyo around the Manticore's neck and tugged it, the Manticore flew toward her and she kicked it hard. It flew back several feet into the snow. 

The Manticore screeched and flew into a tree, knocking it down. The tree landed on top of Emu and pinned her down. Emu squealed loudly upon being crushed, trying desperately to lift the tree off of her. Ren ran up to the Manticore and tried to stab its leg with his dagger, he didn't get very far into the leg before he was kicked by the Manticore. He flew and face planted into the snow. Emu's eyes glowed again and Miku appeared. She tried to lift the tree too, but since she was a non-corporal being, it wasn't much use. The Manticore did what it did to Ladybug again, but to Tinuviel instead, but as Tinuviel was bigger, he didn't fly, he was just whipped. "Ow!" Tinuviel said in pain and anger as he rushed over to Emu and lifted the tree off Emu with rage and threw it at the manticore. The Manticore recoiled in pain and let out a cry. 

Marinette laced her yoyo with fire dust and wrapped it around the Manticore's neck. It started to burn the Manticore around the neck. The Manticore flew to the tree on the ground, picked it up and threw it at Tinuviel while he wasn't looking. Tinuviel caught the tree but fell to the ground with it, "Don't worry about me! Just attack the Grimm!" he groaned. Ren tried to run up to the Manticore but slipped and face planted into the snow again. Emu raised her mallet around and went to swing, but tripped on a rock on the way, she barely hit the Manticore's claw. The Manticore picked up Emu's hammer and hit her with a lot of force, sending her flying. Tinuviel  attempted to roll the tree off himself, he got halfway before his head started pounding. "Tin? Are you okay?" Ren looked over and asked. "Totally fine, don't worry about me..." Tinuviel groaned in severe pain. "I'll get you out of there!" Marinette wrapped her yoyo around the tree, pulled it off of Tinuviel, and flung it into the Manticore. The tree exploded into many shards and sprinkled down onto the snow. "Thanks..." Tinuviel said trying to move. The Manticore landed onto the ground, snow flew up everywhere and buried Tinuviel in snow. 

"Ahhhh... The cold snow actually feels amazing on my head" Tinuviel smiled. Ren fired several shots into the Manticore's chest, it fell down into the snow. "It's gotta be close now!" he said. Emu slammed her mallet onto the ground, the force sent her into the sky, "WON. WON. WONDERHOY!!!!" she exclaimed as she did a few cool flips before coming back down and slamming her mallet on the Manticore's head. The Manticore spewed blood over Emu before ramming into Ladybug. "Ew!! My pink is all icky coloured!!" Emu cried, "Ah!" Ladybug slammed into the snow again. Tinuviel instantly shot up from the ground and the snow fell to the ground. He had an evil look in his eyes that he'd never had before as he charged towards the Manticore, then picked it up and choke slammed it into the ground with full force. The sound of a snap echoed throughout the tundra, the Manticore stopped moving and started to fade away.

Tinuviel just stood there, breathing heavily. "Woah woah! That was so cool! So snappy snappy and crackle pop! That was so... so... WONDERHOY!!!" Emu called out in joy, "Thanks... It took everything I had.. My head is killing me" Tinuviel said. "Do you need anything for it? Are you okay?" Emu asked, "Can you remove it from my body? It's really painful" Tinuviel said, "Hmm... no. You need that. I'm sure some girl or guy out there really likes your face and wouldn't want me to take it from your shoulders!" Emu said, "I know I know... I'm just in a lot of pain, mainly in my head..." Tinuviel said, "Maybe a cupcake could make you feel better?" Emu asked, "...Food could work..." Tinuviel's face lit up slightly. 

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