Chapter 6: Food Fight

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The students took a few hours to get settled before they headed to the cafeteria to get lunch and meet up with their friends, Kyuu walked beside Tin to the cafeteria. She didn't say a word but she had a very prominent blush dusted on her cheeks. Tinuviel had blushed cheeks too, although it hard to tell with his mask on. Hikari spotted Tin and Kyuu walking down the hallway so he ran up behind them "Hey you two- why are you both blushing?" He asked, "I'm not blushing!" Kyuu yelled, "I'll uh, get us some food... What do you guys want?" Tinuviel said all nervous, "Uh, whatever you want is fine!" Kyuu said "Hm? What did I miss between you two?" Hikari asked, "A bit actually" Kyuu said, "What?! But I want to be there for all of your character development!" Hikari said, almost in a forth-wall breaking manner. Tinuviel nodded and left to get food.

"Wait... Character development?" Kyuu tilted her head to the side, Hikari suddenly got pale before running off, "What the actual fuck?" Kyuu said; She had never been more confused by Hikari until then. Meanwhile, Nate walked to the cafeteria with SSHMPN with her hands over her ears as Meouch, Sung and Danny were all singing to annoy Nate, Phobos was dancing and Havve and Ninja Brian were following behind minding their business. Shizue was already sitting at the table, munching on an apple as she noticed Nate and SSHMPN walking in. She waved while the apple was still in her mouth. Meouch noticed Shizue, while still singing and dancing, he looked over at her and winked while doing finger guns at her.

Akira, Charcoal and Cobalt were in the cafeteria at a table, different to the one Shizue was at, Akira had a small sushi platter and green tea, while Charcoal and Cobalt weren't hungry and didn't get anything besides small water bottles, the boys minded their own business, and Cobalt was feeling very bored, "I'm so bored..." Cobalt said, Charcoal and Akira looked at him, then looked away. "We need to do something" Cobalt said, "Like what?" Charcoal asked, then Cobalt's eyes lit up, "Like a food fight!" Charcoal and Akira were heavily opposed to Cobalt's idea of having a food fight. "That's a really stupid idea, there's no way we can have a food fight, think of how much trouble we'd get if a teacher caught us." Akira said.

Shizue couldn't help but blush intensely at Meouch's action, Kyuu walked in and sat with Shizue "Hey! How was training with Tin?" Shizue asked, Kyuu looks away, suddenly red in the face again "It was fine! Hey, have you seen Hikari? He was saying some weird shit about 'character development' then went pale and ran off. No idea where he went, I thought he came here to you, but guess not" Kyuu said. Nate walked up to Kyuu and Shizue and sat across from them, SSHMPN followed afterwards, spreading themselves out on the table. Kyuu was still confused as to what the fuck Hikari said and did to her, "H-hi you seven!" Shizue stuttered, "They've been at this annoying shit since I met up with them this morning!!" Nate growled before burying her face into her elbow, trying not to stab herself in the head.

"What annoying stuff?" Shizue asked, "Oh for fuck sake Shizu. Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go batshit?" Kyuu said kinda rudely, "Hm. No, I can't say that I do" Shizue said, "Hey Kyuu that wasn't very nice! Don't talk to such a pretty lady that way!" Meouch said smoothly, "Shut it, fish breath" Kyuu snapped back. Havve aggressively stood up and looked at Kyuu, he was ready to attack Kyuu for insulting his friend. "Havve, let it go." Meouch said, Havve sat back down, but was still staring at Kyuu, then looked at Sung. "Yes big man, I know it upsets you when someone insults any of us. It's okay" Sung said. Nate looked over at Sung, gave a small smile, then rolled her eyes and looked away. Shizue started to giggle, "What's so funny." Nate said slightly aggressively but wasn't trying to be mean to Shizue, "Oh nothing..." Shizue giggled more.

Tinuviel finally returned with food, "Hey, sorry, a lot of people were getting food, I also got some for Hikari but he doesn't seem to be here... So anyone can have it I guess" he handed Kyuu her food and sat down. "I really don't know where he went. He said some weird shit and ran off." Kyuu said, "I saw him run past the door to the cafeteria. He looked really unwell which is strange because he was fine when I saw him ten minutes ago" Shizue added, "Argh. This is fucking boring. It's our first day back. We should be fighting!" Nate slammed her fist into her hand aggressively, Shizue jumped at the sudden aggression. "THIS IS WHY WE NEED A FOOD FIGHT" Cobalt yelled, "Why would you propose that?!" Shizue said, "HELL YEAH! Wait, with or without using our semblances as well?" Kyuu asked. "HELL YEAH! CONE DADDY APPROVES!" Sung stood on the seat with his hands in the air, "Oh yeah, stroke your Ego some more by calling yourself 'daddy'." Kyuu frowned. "I wasn't the one who started that. Thank my fans for that" he laughs, "Fans?" Kyuu said, "I'm a fan!" Shizue said happily, "No, you're a bell." Kyuu responded, "A... bell?" Shizue said confusedly, "Literally the entire school calls him that and love our music. I don't blame them really" Danny said all smug like.

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