03 | Spiced Apple Pie

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I reached home where Mia was standing in the living room as soon as she heard the sound of my keys

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I reached home where Mia was standing in the living room as soon as she heard the sound of my keys. She had her hands on her hips and was glaring at me. She was wearing a blush pink silk slip short dress. Her makeup wasn't done yet.

"Where were you? You are late" she accused me with a glare. I shook my head and took a seat on the couch beside her.

"I know. A stupid jerk was the reason I got late" I explained to her. She looked confused and worried. I elaborated further "Nothing happened. Yesterday a customer came in late after you all left and he was fine but today he threw a fit that I closed the cafe early. He went on about how unprofessional it was and stuff. So I got angry and snapped at him reminding that he has no one to tell me how to run a business. And then that's it." I finished my rant. She chuckled but still, there was a little bit of concern in her eyes apart from amusement.

"Well, that is unusual. Are you sure that you are fine? He didn't bother you much, did he? If he did I'm sure somehow I will find him and make kick him in his nuts." she hissed. I looked at her and then I burst into laughter. Mia is one of a kind.

"I know you can and will. And I love you for that but I handled him." I assured her. I hugged her and she hugged me back. Then she looped her arm around mine and dragged me to my room.

"Come on, it's getting late. I already removed a dress for you, wear it and come to my room I'll do your hair and makeup there," she ordered as I went to my room and she went in the herd which was right across mine.

I quickly freshened up and wore the outfit that she selected for me. The whole outfit was black with flower prints. The top was just below my chest and a small part of midriff was visible with the long skirt starting from my waist. It fitted me perfectly and was apt for the occasion.

I went to Mia's room after I was dressed. She was almost done with her makeup and just like always her makeup was flawless.

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