12 | Almond Danish

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It's been 2 days since that eventful night that Noah and I got stranded in the café

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It's been 2 days since that eventful night that Noah and I got stranded in the café. Yesterday understandably was a slow day not only for myself but also for the café. The storm luckily didn't stay longer than that day and the aftereffects of it weren't too bad either. Apart from the effect that it had on me. I have been quite awkward around Noah, I wouldn't maintain eye contact with him and avoid talking to him. I'm aware that I might be overreacting but the realization that I might be developing feelings for him was enough to scare me and make me keep my distance from him. On the other hand, Noah was behaving as if nothing happened though technically nothing really happened it would have been nice to see him too getting affected by it.

"Isabella, is this okay?" what is the saying, think of the devil and it shall appear; Noah asked me as he approached me. He didn't stop until he was close enough that I could smell him and all my efforts to not remember his ocean-y smell went down the drain. I immediately took a step or two back as my olfactory senses registered the ocean-y scent.

I cleared my throat before replying, "Yes, this is fine. You can keep it in the fridge for it to set." I nodded as I took in the piping work done on the cake. For someone who very recently started making cakes commercially, Noah was doing pretty good work, once I would get out of the funk that I currently found myself in; I would compliment him.

I was about to walk into the kitchen area when I heard a familiar voice shouting, "I'm back bitches! I always wanted to say that" I turned and the sight before almost made me tear up before I stood Mia in a dress that I'm convinced only she can make look good. I walked toward her and she did the same. I was soon wrapped in her arms and she hugged me tightly. I sighed at the familiar comfort that only my best friend can provide and I could almost swear that I heard a little sniffle from her.

I pulled back after a few seconds to look at her properly. "What are you doing here?" I questioned her.

"And here I thought you would be happy to see me" She teased as she pouted jokingly at me. I rolled my eyes at her.

"You know I'm more than happy to see you" I reminded her as she shot me a smile. "But that doesn't mean that I'm not surprised, what happened with your course in Switzerland?" I asked her. She still had at least two more months until the completion of her course. I'm ecstatic that she was here but I couldn't help but wonder the reason.

"Don't worry too much, the chef that was teaching us had some family emergency so he gave us an extended weekend. And what better way to spend it than in this café with the best people I know" she answered cheekily. I shook my head at her, "Now that is done, I'm going to have something sweet and meet everyone"

"Hey, I don't think I have ever met you before? I'm Mia" Mia asked Noah, as she extended her hand. Noah held her hand and gave her one of his beautiful smiles.

"Oh, you are Mia. I have heard a lot about you, you are quite famous around here" He said jokingly as he shook her hand. "I'm Noah and I'm new here"

"Good to meet you, Noah. I hope you know that you are replacing me" She said sternly but her eyes were filled with mischief and humor.

Noah smirked at her before answering, "Replacing you, I don't think that is even possible"

Mia nodded her head approvingly and turned to me. "Good job, Bells. I like him." While Noah shot me a huge smile as if her approval might mean everything to him. I gave her a sour look as she tried to test if Noah was good enough for the café or not. Mia turned to Noah and said, "Okay, new guy show me today's specials." With that, they both walked while talking to each other as if they knew each other for a long time.

It was hard to believe that Mia and I have such a close bond with each other despite being so different from each other. She can make conversations with just anyone while on the other hand, it takes me a long time to warm up. She's so bubbly, optimistic, adventurous person while I tend to be more reserved, and safe. These differences were what makes us so compatible, the areas that I tend to be weak in were the areas that she would thrive in, and then she would help and guide me and vice versa. For me, she is the sister that I never had and couldn't be more grateful to have and I'm also aware that she feels the same way for me. I smiled fondly at my best friend who was now devouring a Danish.

Mia was helping us at the café despite the that she was still on a leave. We both stood together at the countertop when she asked in a whisper suddenly. "Is something going on between you and Noah?"

I could feel the shock of her question. "No. Why would you ask that?" I stammered out, my eyes probably wide. I was bad at lying but I still had to try. Mia's eyes narrowed after I answered.

"Well, I could sense something between the both of you, like some kind of chemistry. And poor Noah couldn't keep his eyes away from you, even if he could. Look even now he is looking at you" She said as she pointed her finger discreetly inside the kitchen where Noah was making cookies.

I followed her finger and Noah was looking in our direction. When he saw that both of our gazes were at him, he smiled almost embarrassingly and waved at us. And immediately after that unexpected and awkward wave, he turned around so that he was out of our sight.

"That was just a coincidence." I shrugged it off well I tried to but Mia being the most stubborn person that I knew; didn't budge.

"That might have been a coincidence but it had happened way too many times for it to be a coincidence every time and also I know that you're lying" she stated with a smug smile. She had her arms folded at her chest as she said.

Luckily before I could lie or worse blurt out the truth, a customer appeared at the counter. I smiled at them and asked, "Hi, what would you like to have?"

The next few minutes were spent attending to the customer and beside me, I could feel Mia getting impatient. While I was thinking of the best way that I could reveal the truth to her.

As soon as the customer left, Mia let out a sigh. "Thank god, I thought they wouldn't ever leave. Now where were we?" she inquired with a knowing look. "Oh right, you and Noah?"

I sighed. "Well nothing really happened between us" I replied defeatedly.

"I sense a but, so continue" Mia prompted with her eyebrows raised.

"Okay, something could have happened but most importantly it didn't," I answered truthfully. I knew that I couldn't hide things from her. Even if I somehow convinced her with my lie, I would have told her the truth sooner than later.

She pumped her arm in the air at her win. "I knew it. Now spill everything."

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