09 | Peanut Butter Cookies

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Predictions are such a weird thing, it is defined as a ‘statement about a future event or data’ and the reason it is such a weird thing is one simply shares their thought in a statement about something that might or might not happen

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Predictions are such a weird thing, it is defined as a ‘statement about a future event or data’ and the reason it is such a weird thing is one simply shares their thought in a statement about something that might or might not happen. It is more surprising when it becomes a reality. Jake predicted that by this weekend the café would blow up and it did. And all he did was post a picture of the front of the café and him eating a cookie with his eye closed along with a caption stating, ‘My new favorite place to visit, would highly recommend it! #SugarnSpice #bestplace.’ And the next day when we opened, nobody was ready to see such a huge wave of customers.

“Okay, chop, chop, we need icing quick!” Peter hollered as he removed the freshly baked cake from the ovens. Everyone was busy either making and baking products or serving them.

“We all are busy, if you need it quick do it yourself” Alex snapped at him while he rolled the dough of peanut butter cookies. He was so tired visibly that he didn’t bother to remove the flour that dusted his face at random spots. I wish I could help either of them but currently, I was in deep with this brownie batter, and honestly, with the café being so hectic I wanted to take a nap and not wake up until tomorrow.  But since I was in charge, if I cant help them the least I can do is encourage them.

“Hey, I know you guys are tired and wish to go home and in just a few hours we all will. It is difficult to tend to so many customers when we never did but remember that people outside are waiting in lines just so they could enjoy our creations, the hard work that you all, individually and collectively are putting to would make someone’s day a little bit better and brighter.” I paused and looked around they all were focused on me including Noah who had a slight smile on his face. His smile made his face more attractive and before I could think more about him; I continued my speech, “Isn’t that so special. Let’s make it happen together because I know that we can and will do it. Who’s with me?” I asked and my lips turned up into a big smile as cheers followed after my question. My smile almost turned from proud to shy when in my peripheral vision I saw Noah smiling at me with something akin to adoration. 

After an hour or so, I was finally done with baking fresh and mouthwatering brownies. As I glanced around I was happy to see everything was under control so I decided to help serve the customers. I changed my dirty apron that specks of flour, chocolate, and other things to a clean apron and pinned my name tag. I opened the door to the sitting area of the café and joined Racheal and others who were currently serving the customers.

“Hi I’m Isabella, are you ready to order?” I asked the customer who was this elderly couple with a bright smile.

“Hello dear. We would like two chocolate chips cookies and two lattes.” The elderly man said with a smile of his own. My smile increased when I noticed how cute they looked as they held each other’s hands. This is what I dream of having someday, growing old with someone you love, having a lifetime of smiles and laughs which would be visible from the laugh lines that would adorn our faces, and knowing there is at least one person who has been through all the highs and lows.

I was so busy thinking about my dream future that I didn’t realize that I walking behind until I bumped into someone luckily they steadied me or otherwise I might have embarrassed myself by falling. I put my hands on their arm to hold myself up and turned my head to thank the person when my breath got stuck when I noticed the person had a chiseled jaw and as my eyes traveled north, a pair of blue eyes captured my eyes. I took a breath and involuntarily inhaled his cologne which smelled like a breeze of the ocean and something more that I couldn’t exactly pinpoint but it
suited him; him being Noah.

I bumped into Noah and was still in his arms while he probably thought that I was crazy as I clung to his arms.

As soon as I realized that, I immediately took a step back from his warm arms and cleared my throat in hope that it would make it less awkward. I hesitantly smiled at him as I stepped away from him and looked at the couple who had a pair of an identical teasing smiles on their faces.

I hoped that my face wasn’t as red as I could feel it, I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear which was a nervous habit that I developed. “Okay, so I’ll bring your order,” I said and walked to place their order. I inhaled a deep breath as they were preparing their order. That was different, my body has never reacted to any male like that ever. I did have a few boyfriends and crushes before but this way of reaction was something entirely new to me. I could still feel the rush and my face felt warm, I rubbed my face to calm it down. I had to think something else, I cannot develop a crush on one of my employees, that would be highly unprofessional of me and with that in mind, I strode to work with a promise to keep my mind free of Noah.  

It was almost closing time when the news alerted us that tonight we might experience a storm and so being the responsible owner that I pride myself on being, I decided to close the café early especially considering how busy the place was today. We all deserve the early leave and when I repeated my thoughts everyone heartily agreed with me. It was Alex’s turn to close up the café so I bid everyone before I walked to my car. Since it was such a busy day, I treated myself with a hibiscus tea and that might have been the best idea as I watched it fall from my hands to my shorts and legs. I sighed in frustration this is what I get while juggling tea, car keys, and trying to open my car. I could feel how sticky my legs were getting so I kept my belongings in my car and locked it before returning to the café to clean the sticky mess. No one was in the café so I just walked towards the washroom and decided against going to Alex to let him know that I was using the washroom since he would probably notice my car outside and the biggest priority was clean the mess. After cleaning it the best that I could, the lights went out.

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