15 | Rice Pudding

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It has been relatively silent and uneventful since Mia left for Switzerland

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It has been relatively silent and uneventful since Mia left for Switzerland. I found comfort in that, everything happened the way that it should without any surprises. I was humming quietly as I rolled the dough for pastry when Sam gasped loudly. I looked in her direction and saw she had a surprised look on her face as she looked at her phone.

"What happened Sam?" I asked her as she was still busy looking at her phone. I stopped rolling the dough to approach her.

"There is a competition for bakers in the nearby town. We are eligible to enter the competition as we fit in all the criteria and if we win it we can get 10,000 dollars." She cheered.

"What's the name of the competition?" I asked her.

"Summer Baking Championship and it will take place next month." She answered I felt more nervous than excited.

And as she saw my expression, she put her hand on my shoulder. "What are you thinking, Bells?" she asked me gently.

"It's a big competition, I've heard about it before and I know it is an amazing opportunity to showcase the café along with our skills but I'm worried that it won't be enough. I won't be enough for such a huge competition." I muttered softly. My insecurity peeking its ugly and raw presence in my head. I wish I was at a place where I wouldn't doubt my abilities and myself when things were out of my comfort zone.

"Bells, you are the most reliable, creative, and amazing baker that I know. Because of you, this place exists, we- the employees have a job where it feels like a joy and calm instead of the dread that so many people feel for their jobs. And that is because you made the place this amazing, a place where the customers can enjoy and have a good time with promises of smiles and good food. It's completely natural to have insecurities and doubts but I want to assure you that don't let them win because you can and you are enough and capable. If anything this competition is lucky that they would have such an amazing person and baker highlighting their competition." Sam concluded her pep talk and I would be lying if I said that I didn't teared up. I discreetly wiped my teary eyes and hugged her.

She chuckled and hugged me back. "Thank you so much, Sam that reminder means so much to me. I'm so glad to have people like you around me and also the reason why I'm doing good at the café." I thanked her. I was really glad that I had so many people that I could count on. "Now, let's go and inform everybody about the competition," I said to her, and during the break, we informed everyone about the competition.

"That's such a good opportunity," Noah commented and everyone else nodded their head in agreement.

"It is but we need to do a lot of extra work to prepare for this competition if we get selected." I reminded them.

"How is the selection process?" Peter asked Sam and me.

"First we need to fill the form and send them a video of making any dessert along with its picture and recipe without measurements so that it couldn't be copied by anyone. The last date to send the form is in three days." Sam replied.

"That's soon and we have a lot of work to do," I replied, we had a lot of work that needed to be done along with taking care of the café. "What dessert should we send with our form?" I asked for their ideas. The main reason everything in the café ran smoothly was because of the teamwork and everyone completing their responsibility to their fullest.

"How about some kind of a cake?" Alex suggested. I thought about but before I could reply to him, Noah answered what I was about to answer.

"That would be too basic. We could do cake but along with it there also needs to be other elements if we want to have a strong chance at getting selected." Noah replied. I nodded in reply.

"Also since they won't be tasting this recipe we cannot rely on the flavor of the dish but the techniques and its presentation to get into the next round," I added.

We all were thinking in silence about how to go ahead when Noah interrupted the silence. "I was thinking that we could lean on some of the modern techniques like spherification or sous-vide." He suggested.

"Those are some good ideas but I have never really done it yet" I replied.

"Wait what is spherification?" Alex asked Noah.

"Spherification is the process which converts the liquids into semi-solid spheres like a caviar and it bursts in mouth since only the outer surface of the liquid of the sphere would firm up," Noah explained. We all stared at him in wonder, impressed with his knowledge. He noticed our faces and rubbed the back of his neck. "I read sometimes to keep me updated with the trends" he added with barely concealed embarrassment in his voice.

"Noah is correct and this technique could be something that would help us to stand out from other contestants," I stated, agreeing with the direction Noah was heading for the dish. "Have you ever tried this technique before?" I asked Noah.

"Yes, I have done it before a few times." He replied. I acknowledged his response with a nod.

"Bells, I'm going to sit this one out and take care of the café while you prepare for the competition," Sam announced.

I frowned at her. "Why, you were the one who told us about the competition?" I asked her.

"Because I don't think I can help develop the recipe but I'm always here to taste and support you and also the café needs me more" She grinned at me.

I was still unconvinced but I agreed. "This says that only one other person can accompany the head baker. And since Noah knows more about the modern techniques, I would suggest that Bells and Noah should represent the café." Alex announced to which everyone agreed. While Noah and I, on the other hand, were still unsure.

"But you guys, have been a part of the team way longer than me. I don't think it's fair" Noah said with a frown on his face.

"We all want the best chance at winning this competition and since you are the one with more experience in modern techniques, it is only sane that you should join Bells in the competition. And it doesn't matter the time, you are a part of the team and we all would be happy to stay back and take care of the café while you both represent it" Peter replied as he patted Noah's shoulder.

After a bit more convincing Noah and I agreed and decided to meet back at my home to work on the recipe.

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