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Guilt is defined as 'the bad feeling that you have when you know that you have done wrong', I agree with this definition but right now my situation is something different

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Guilt is defined as 'the bad feeling that you have when you know that you have done wrong', I agree with this definition but right now my situation is something different. I felt guilty, quite too guilty because of something I didn't end up doing. I didn't thank Bryson that day and I wasn't able to since then. It's been a week since the day we got the orphanage back and the last day I saw Bryson.

Each day I hope to see him in the café. He resigned few days after we came back from the competition and yet I would see him at least once in the café. I remember everyone's reaction when he broke the news about he was and that he was now resigning from the café. I was surprised when he approached me with his resignation letter, I could see that he didn't wanted to leave and a part of me didn't wanted him to leave but I know that it was ineveitable. Since the beginning he was supposed to fill in temporarily yet I wanted to cry after the realisation that he wasn't going to be working with me every single day, that I wouldn't be seeing him every day. I was so used to his presence, his humour, his protectiveness, his thoughtfulness and now it was going to go away. But he proved me wrong as he still visited the café every day but now its been over a week.

I missed him. I missed him so much that every time the door of café would open, my eyes would dart to it with hope to see him there. Each time my hope would be crushed into smithereens. I was missing his touch, his simple graze of fingers, he wouldn't miss out a single chance to touch and to hug me and without fail my heart would soar. I missed his smile that would light up the world, that would make every color a little bit more bright. I missed how happy I was when he was with me. I could live without him but I didn't wanted to, these last few days were the proof of it.

"You scared me!" Madison muttered as she saw me sulking on the couch after she came back from her job. Mia moved in with Jake after a lot of reassurement from me that I would be okay. Madison was now living with me. She and I were in good terms, I would consider us friends and I believe she would too though it was hard because she wasn't much of a feeling person. But I know that she cared for me the same way that I do for her.

I made a noise of acknowledgement. She shook her head and then sat beside me on the couch. "How long are you planning to sulk and be sad?" She asked me, as she put her blue hair up in a bun.

"Forever." I retored as I continue to sulk. I snuggled deeper into the couch.

She huffed. "Well, it cant work like this. Do you know how quiet the house had became since you decided to be so broody! I gave you enough time for pity party but now its enough you need to get up and be yourself." She confessed and yet again I felt guilty. Guilty that my bad mood was affecting her too. "Let's start with why exactly are you feeling so down?" She asked me as she faced me, I shifted so I was facing her too.

"I miss him," I replied almost as if I was ashamed of the fact. This was the first time, I was admitting that fact out loud. And maybe I felt ashamed because I was the one who wanted a break from our relationship and now that he has given me the space and break that I asked for, I was here missing him. I didn't want to see him when he was here since it reminded me of his lies but now his absence was making me crazy.

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