08 | Macaroons

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Previously on The Bakery Love:

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Previously on The Bakery Love:

I reached the cafe and I could feel myself getting mad as I noticed that Noah was sitting with someone when it was his working time. It wasn't his day off or lunchtime. He was supposed to be in the kitchen not sit with customers. I walked towards him and saw the person he was sitting with was the brown-eyed guy that came to talk to me a few days ago.

I focused my attention on Noah. "What the hell are you doing, sitting with the customers? It is your first day here and you are already breaking rules. You were supposed to be in the kitchen as you were working here or did you decide to quit on the first day? You promised me that I won't regret giving you the job. Guess what, that's exactly what I feel right now. I hoped that you would be a good inclusion in our team but you let me down on the very first day." I ranted angrily. He tried to speak many times but I didn't let him as I wasn't complete. After saying it, I took a deep breath and stormed toward the kitchen. I could hear him calling out my name but I couldn't deal with him right now.

I leaned against the counter as everyone stopped and looked at me. I ignored them as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I was hoping no one talk about it but I was wrong as Alex approached me. "Bells, I was the one who told him to sit down with his friend. So if you want to blame anyone, blame me" he confessed.

I opened my eyes and looked at him, his face was serious as he folded his arms on his chest. I sighed in response before speaking. "You don't have to look at me like that. I know I overreacted. It's just today is his first day and he is new so I still don't trust him enough. And to look at him sitting there and laughing, just made me snap."

He looked at me knowingly, I pursed my lips as he raised his eyebrows, waiting. I succumbed "Okay, I'll apologize to him. I'm scared for your daughter when she would have you as her father." I teased him. He just shook his head at me with a smile on his face before walking away.

I walked to the cafe's seating area where Noah and his friend were still seated. As soon as I approached them, Noah stood up. He stood with a cautious look as if I could burst any second and I don't think I can blame him. And I could feel my stomach tighten with guilt.

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