14 | Black Forest Cake

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It was an awkward drive home as first I had to drop Noah at his

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It was an awkward drive home as first I had to drop Noah at his. And the atmosphere between us wasn't the most comfortable. I believe both of us were thinking the same thing, as we both said at the same time, "We don't-" "I'm sorry" and we both laughed at the coincidence. I motioned for him to go first.

"We don't have to be awkward around each other. That was a wild night and that is. We both are adults and we work together so having a tense environment would do us no good." Noah confessed. His eyes were intense on mine as I switched my eyes between the road and him.

"I agree" I replied, the tension between us would not create a good working environment. "So, friends?"

He smiled at me and replied, "Friends." I smiled back at him and soon enough we were chatting with each other quite comfortably almost like the night when we were stranded in the café.

I bid goodbye to Noah as I dropped him off at his apartment. I drove home and after I unlocked the front door, Madison and Jayden were watching tv. "Hey" I greeted them and they greeted me back. I joined them on the couch as we watched a movie.

I was soon enough invested in the movie, Jayden who sat between Madison and me, passed the bowl of popcorn. I munched on them as I laughed at the screen and then passed the popcorn back to him who then passed it to Madison. And the rest of the movie passed similarly.

"Madison and Jayden, I forgot to mention that my best friend, Mia is back in town for the weekend and I would love to introduce you both to her," I said to them. Mia has reminded me that she wanted to meet them and I would like it too.

"Yeah sure, we'll love to meet her too" Jayden replied while Madison just shrugged.

I smiled at them. "Great! So, tomorrow morning we all can have brunch together" I proposed. They both agreed, I also shared that she was staying with us though I had already messaged Madison as soon as I could.

I informed Mia before I went to sleep regarding tomorrow's plan. She was happy to meet Madison and Jayden. She also informed me that she probably would spend the night with Jake. I was so happy to hear how happy she sounded on the phone as she talked a little about Jake. She was the most caring person that I know and she deserves to be happy I'm so glad that she seems to experience it.

My sleep was interrupted as someone lay beside me. I opened my eyes and saw Mia laying down beside me with a big smile on her face. "Hi" I whispered to her.

She looked at me. "Hi. I'm sorry if I woke you up" she apologized. I simply waved at her apology.

"So how was everything?" I asked her with a teasing smile.

"Everything was great. Jake is the nicest guy that I've ever met. He listened to everything that I had to say and he wasn't pretending to either, he was genuinely interested in what I was saying. We talked the whole night" she said with a dreamy smile on her face. My face softens I've never seen her this way regarding any guy before. It was so different from Mia that I knew, this difference was good.

"You mean that you guys didn't have sex?" I asked her. I assumed that was the reason they went to his place and then she came back home in the morning. Mia wasn't shy when it comes to sexual pleasure just like any other person had needs and she had her fair share of one-night stands.

"No, we didn't. he told me that he would like to wait for when I come back from Switzerland. He didn't want a one-night stand with me, he wanted the whole deal, the titles, the relationship, everything." Mia answered shyly. I don't think I have ever seen be this shy before.

"And what about you, are you interested in having a relationship with him?" I asked her.

"Yes, I think I am. Not now, but yes after I get to know him a little better." She said with a smile.

"Mia, I'm so happy for you, and ill be here to support you at every step." I smiled at her. I was truly happy for her. I hope that Jake would treat her like she deserves to be treated.

"I'm happy too. After a long time, I'm happy too." She confessed. I sat up and hugged her as she hugged me back. "Now, that mushy stuff is over with. Get up and let's get ready for the brunch." She ordered.

I grinned at her and we both got ready for brunch.

"Mia, this is Madison my new roommate, and this is Jayden, her best friend. And guys, this is Mia." I introduced them after we all were sitting at the table.

"Hey, girl." Jayden greeted Mia and then turned to me to correct me, "And Isabella, I thought we were friends too" He frowned at me.

"My bad of course, we are friends" I agreed with him. Mia and Jayden instantly connected. They both were talking something about fashion and celebrities. It wasn't something that I shined in so I was silently enjoying the food.

"I like that, you don't try to have meaningless conversation unnecessarily just to fill the silence," Madison commented casually.

I was surprised for a second that she was talking to me since she was also sitting quietly. "Thank you," I replied to her, and then she asked me about the café soon enough we both were having a conversation and this was the most she had ever talked to me, it felt nice.

We all had a great time and then Mia and I went to the café.

It was the day when Mia would leave for Switzerland again. As much as I loved having her here for the weekend, I hated that I had to say goodbye to her again. Which was exactly what I was doing currently.

Everyone came to the airport to see Mia off which included Madison, Jayden, Noah, Jake, and me. In a short amount, Mia had formed good bonds with everyone and especially Jayden and Jake. She and Jayden exchanged numbers too and were already good friends as they both had a lot of common things between them.

She hugged everyone except Jake and me. She first went to Jake and they both embraced each other tightly and they whispered something to each other. By the looks of it, Jake reciprocated the same feelings as Mia which was clear in the way they were acting around each other. They kissed each other before Mia turned to me.

"Babe, I'll be back before you know" Mia whispered as she rubbed my back I hugged her tightly.

"Doesn't mean that I won't miss you" I replied my words were coming muffled as my mouth was near her shoulder.

After a few more seconds, I set her free and we both smiled sadly at each other. Before she started to walk to her gate, she waved to us and we all did the same. As she disappeared from our vision, from my peripheral sight I saw Jake's eyes being a little misty. As we walked towards our cars, I hugged Jake in silent support as he did the same. 

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