Followers Be Like: "You're Such a Fugly Cow!"

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You know one of the many things that grind my gears? Bitchy fans. Yes, bitchy, whiny, idiotic, bratty idiots who can’t seem to phantom and read messages an author sends them. Fans who aren’t happy when their favorite author finally gets published, but instead decide to send them hate mail, complaining about the fact half the book isn’t on Wattpad anymore.

“We have to buy the book now,” they moan. “You’re such a fugly cow!”

“Don’t you love us? Don’t you love your fans?” they scream.

“How dare you do this to us!” they holler.

Well listen up Termites!

There is something authors sign with their publishers, once their book(s) have been accepted for publishing. It’s called a contract. That’s right. A contract. CONTRACT.

Different publishers have different contracts. Some contracts allow the author to keep their full story (the first and basic draft) on Wattpad. Others don’t. Where would the profit be, if the whole book was available for free on the Internet? I for one wouldn’t bother buying a copy of the book, even though the published book would have amazing spelling and grammar.

I’m a cheapskate. Whatever.

How hard is it to fucking understand?

My blood boils when I see an author has gotten published, and instead of being happy for the author, the fans begin complaining about why the book isn’t on Wattpad anymore –keep in mind the author has already sent out countless messages explaining why, and warning everyone months in advance of what would take place once the book came out.

Honestly, fuck you! Yes, you! Fuck you!

Wattpad is a free service. I, along with millions of other writers on this site aren’t getting paid for uploading our things onto this website. I have to work to pay (some of my) bills.

It takes years to get something published. Getting published is an amazing feat that I hope to one day achieve. There’s nothing worse than finally getting published, only to have readers on Wattpad bombard your inbox and message wall with thousands of hate mail, calling you selfish and a bitchy c*nt.

Writers need to make a living as well. There is a world outside Wattpad, you know.

Many authors who get their work published do lots of giveaways. Buying books on Kindle/e-book format is ridiculously cheap. If you can’t afford to buy the book, well, tough luck. Try saving up for it.

If you have nothing nice to say, grab a needle and thread, and sew your mouth shut. Or just cut out your voice box and hands. Whichever one works for you.

Writers on Wattpad deserve their fans support. End of story.

And on the other note, yes, I know I’m not on Wattpad often anymore. No, I’m not a bitch or a c*nt as someone nicely put it. Yes, I appreciate all your support. No, I’m not dead. I’m currently rewriting Confessions of a Bitch, editing all my other stories, working on a trilogy, getting ready for uni, reading heaps of books, and writing short stories and poems.

I’m not dead, and insulting comments are unnecessary.

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