Stop in The Name of Love!

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The fact girls on this website still cream their panties and faint whenever a *cough cough* guy makes a  Wattpad account is just one of those things that never gets old. 

Ladies, calm down, please.

Y'all look desperate clawing over his profile page and message boards, and declaring your undying love and devotion to him. The bitching wars going something along the lines of, "No! I noticed him first!" and "He likes me more than you!" need to stop. 

Honestly, stop.

Y'all acting like kids who haven't eaten in a month, or you're just so frigging sexually frustrated. And if you are in fact sexually frustrated --just a tip---Wattpad ain't gonna cure that shit for ya. 

It's like Justin Beiber and 1D fans all over again.

"No! Justin Beiber is going to marry me! We're going to have like 50 babies together!"

"Harry and I are going to be together forever."

"No bitch! You skank whore! They're all mine! Like, we're going to live in a huge mansion: me, Justin Beiber and the guys in 1D and 5SoS, and be happy together." --Sounds like someone wants an orgy or gang b--- okay, let's move on. 

Ladies, if you want a man, step out of the place called the Internet, and enter the real world. I cannot tell you the amount of times I did a quick google search on a *guy's* profile picture, only to find out it was that of some really hot guy off Tumblr, or a model I've never heard off in my life.

Sure, there are in fact real guys on here, but for the love of everything pure and holy, stop being so desperate. This is Wattpad, not the I'm-so-fucking-sexually-fustrated-oh-my-god-look-at-that-guy-i-really-want-to-bang-the-shit-out-of-him. 

Remember, Wattpad equals writing.

Oh, and no one wants to see the links to whatever nudes you took so that the *guy* will have your attention.

Love yourself. Don't send nudes or other private info about yourself online. Put those cameras away and do something holy. Like..pick up a Bible (or some other religious text) and read. 


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