Get Your Shit Together, Wattpad

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Hey Wattpad! I see you've been acting pretty shitty lately, and guess what? I'm over it. I'm 10000% done with you and your bullshit. I've been with you for almost four years now, and I don't know why I even bother. 

First of all, you force people to sign up to your website. How shitty is that? Hey, are you enjoying that brilliant/shitty novel you found three minutes ago? Well guess what? You're going to have to sign up for a Wattpad account to FINISH READING THE CHAPTER and BOOK! 

Tadah! How cool is that! NOT!

Never mind the fact it's hard to access the website if you don't have an account. Honestly Wattpad! Honestly!

Secondly, you're planning on getting rid of the Multimedia Designs Club. Nah ah baby. No. No. NO. NO! What the hell is wrong with you? Aren't you supposed to put your users' feelings and perspectives into consideration. You can't just go ahead and make sweeping changes like that at the last minutes without consulting your loyal users. 

Honestly, I want to strangle you right now, and back hand you.

And yeah, thanks so much for letting me move my entire novel into Drafts in one click! It was amazing. Now please tell me why the hell I couldn't move all the chapters from my now edited novel into a published state with one click?! Thanks to you, my followers were spammed with over fifty emails last night. 

I tolerated you discontinuing the Share Your Story Club. I tolerated your "revamped" aka Shitty version of clubs such as the Critiquing Club. I even put up with your NEW FUCKING SHITTY LAYOUTS! My notifications don't even work!!!

You want what's best for me as a user? Nah ah, baby. 

You don't seem to know what your users want.

You have no fucking clue.



(formerly known as Imploding-Hearts)

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