Drama Queens

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I almost got hit by a car today. Well, fuck my life. 

A lot of things have been pissing me off, over the last few weeks and here is a list of them.

1. People who request front covers like this: 

"I want a front cover with the girl wearing a long green and gold dress, with Gold shoes, a big Gucci bag, sunglasses and expensive bling. She should be standing next to a Ferrari, holding a phone and crying. Her hair is long and blonde with highlights. The boy should be dressed in a black tux and have a purple tie. He too should look sad, while staring at his phone. His hair is black and he looks like Justin Bieber. The scenery is...." 

Please shut up. That example over there, is every cover maker's worst nightmare. It's hard enough being a front cover maker, trying to make people's idea a reality, but getting a request like that.... I'm not even going to say anything more.

2. Bitches be like, "haha. Nice story. I just published mine. Here's it is *insert link here* 

Wow fuckhead, last time I checked, I'm pretty sure it's common sense, not to advertise your story on other people's stories. It's fucking rude and all you're asking for, is to be decapitated by someone like me.  

I was scrolling through an awesome book and some chick/guy (it's a bit hard to tell these days. Girls are acting like guys in order to get more reads, and guys are acting like girls to fulfil their life dream of being pimps) had advertised their story on the person's work.  

I basically replied and said not to advertise their work on someone else's story. It's basically fucking rude. Like... Argh!  

The person replied, apologising and deleting their comment, and we were fine. 

Then some fucking bitch comments and tells me that I'm being a fucking bitch. I was like, "Hold up. Who invited you into the conversation?" Yeah, exactly! No one!  

Apply some water to that burn, bitch. 

Two days later, another blipping bitch out of the blue, replies my comment, telling me to shut up. Honestly, didn't anyone's mother tell them how to mind their own business and keep their nose out of things that didn't involve them?! I guess not. I wasn't sure whether to laugh at the fact she was obviously two days late in replying, or strangle her over the net. 

I did both. 

My reply was simple. "Mind your own business. This has nothing to do with you." 

Good lord!

3. People who plagiarise aka fuckwits. I thought turd head was too nice. 

So I'm a fan of an amazing girl called Livvi. Her username is LovelyLivvi, and she's the author of K.I.S.S. handcuffs and awkward kisses, you've got to be kidding me, and another book I can't remember. 

There's also one thing about Livvi. Her work has been plagiarised TWICE.  

Handcuffs and Awkward was copied by some low life bitch on Booksie, and K.I.S.S. has just been plagiarised by another crack bitch on fiction.net  


Honestly, if someone ever copied my work, I would hunt them down and kill them. I watch crime shows and horror movies. I can make your death like an accident, or make sure you just vanish into thin air. 

I can do that. Don't try that shit with me.  

How dare someone copy someone else's work?! I'm just sooo angry! How dare they?!  

Fucking hell!

4. When you try and give someone who sucks at writing some advice on how to get better, and they change their status saying, "You don't know my life, or what I've been through." 

Hold up.  

Calm the fuck down.  

Since when did life circumstances play a role in you writing a shitty story that makes no sense whatsoever and is hard to comprehend.  

You don't know my life or the shit I've been through, but it plays no role whatsoever in my quality of writing.  

If you're going to complain about how people don't know your life story, when they give you constructive criticism, deactivate your wattpad account, and write your stupid excuses in your diary, or moan and groan to those who might care, on Facebook.  

It's pathetic really.

5. Grammar in stories. 

This pisses me off so much.  

You're - you are. 

Example of application: "Hey, you're a natural blonde aren't you?" 

Your- it is used in terms of ownership. 

"Your shirt looks amazing! Where did you get it from?"

Through - "I was going through the motions of life..." 

Threw- " I threw the ball at the bimbo." 

Not "I walked threw the street." 

You can't threw a street, babe. It's impossible.

6. I'm tired.

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