Kids be Like: "OMG! I'm Suicidal!"

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There are many ways to deal with criticism, and threatening to commit suicide isn’t one of them.

To be honest, I am clinging on to my relationship with Wattpad with my pinky. I may not seem online most of the time, but I am. I am watching people, stalking people and judging them.

Yeah, I’m an asshole.

When procrastinating or on a three hour study break *snickers*, I check out random threads in the Multimedia Design Club, and other clubs like Improve Your Writing.

One day, I happened to stumble onto a thread regarding critiques, rating covers and other miscellaneous things. A user posted the cover he/she had created and asked for “honest feedback”. As expected, constructive feedback was given in a direct, clear and nice way.

I’m just going to cut to the chase.

The cover was crap but could be improved on.

Two comments later, all hell broke loose.

“I am going to commit suicide,” the user said. “Life is no longer worth living.”

Everyone hates me on this website. I might as well die and no one will care.

I almost spat out my organic sweet and salty popcorn. Like honestly, where the fuck did that come from?

We all take the threat of suicide as a big deal, and there is no problem with that.

Before I could even get my head together, calm myself, and clean off the soggy chewed bits of popcorn from my laptop screen and table, everyone was taking the role of Jesus and trying to preach some sense into the user.

“Please don’t commit suicide,” they all said. “People love and care about you.”

The poor chick who gave the user the critique felt like a total piece of shit. She deleted her critique and replaced it with sorry. She felt she was rude and apologised for her comment.

I almost screamed out “Bullshit!”

Call me a pessimistic piece of shit and a shame to humanity, but if you ask for a critique on your work, and respond to it by threatening suicide, you have a problem and need a therapist ASAP!

Secondly, I couldn’t shake off the feeling the user was just a fucking attention seeker. I went onto her page and was like, “Yep, she is.” Her entire bio and status was reeked off “I’m suicidal and I cut myself. Vote and comment on my stories and I won’t hurt myself.”

Since this rant book is somewhat popular (I’m not saying it in a smug and boastful way), I’m sure the user will come across this rant. And if the user (you know who you are) is reading this now, all I am going to say is:

“Fuck. You.”

This also applies to all other low lives on Wattpad and other social networking sites that use the threat of suicide to get their own way and earn the sympathy card.

Honestly, fuck you. I hope you never breed.

Never, ever make light of suicide. It’s not a joke, and it’s not funny.

You will probably never get that phone call from your friend’s mother telling you your best friend just hung himself in his bedroom. You will probably never find yourself in the middle of the night, going through text messages and last conversations, wondering how you could have worded them differently to show how much you loved them. You will probably never regret the fact you put off calling your best friend so you could continue watching your favourite TV show.

You will probably never understand how it feels to watch as they lower the person you love into the ground.

You will never understand why your friend decided to commit suicide. You will never know how to describe that ache in your chest that never goes away, or how to comfort the family that lost their child.

So, fuck you.

If you think suicide is funny, fuck you.

If you think using some ridiculous sob story to draw attention from your shitty ass graphic or story is the right thing to do, fuck you.

If you use self harm and suicide threats to get more reads/votes and attention, fuck you.

Fuck you ten times over.

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