28: Kookie

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"Aren't you happy it's a weekend?" Jungkook asked Hyunjae as he unpacked the paper bags onto the island table.

"Sure." Hyunjae came around where Jungkook stood to help him unload everything. "But was it necessary to buy all of these things?"

"Of course it's necessary," Jungkook smiled, "anything is necessary if it's for you."

Hyunjae scoffed, "You're so flirty today. Did Jimin do something to you?"

"Jimin?" He repeated the name, "Jimin didn't teach me anything. This is all me," he smirked.

"Really?" Hyunjae raised a brow. She then took a look at all of things that Jungkook bought. "You sure got a lot of stuff."

"Of course," Jungkook gleamed. "Anything to make you happy."

"Where are your bowls?" Jungkook asked while he snooped around the kitchen, constantly opening and closing drawers and cabinet doors.

"They're over there," Hyunjae pointed at the lower cabinet that was not too far from where Jungkook stood.

"Thank you~," Jungkook chimed as he opened the door to the cabinet, and stooped down to grab the bowls he needed.

"Is there anything else you need?" Hyunjae asked while watching Jungkook walk over to the island table with his hands full.

He placed the glass bowls onto the granite countertop and looked at all of the ingredients. "Nope, I think this is all it."

"You know how to crack eggs, right?" Hyunjae asked the man like he had no capability of doing the simple task.

"Of course I do, I'm not dumb." Jungkook grabbed an egg and cracked it open with one hand into the bowl that was full of flour, baking powder, and other ingredients.

Hyunjae watched with her low expectations for her boyfriend. "Do you bake often?"

"Before I debuted and during my free time," Jungkook said as he poured the wet ingredients with the dry with a red spatula.

"Huh," Hyunjae leaned her arm onto the counter, "you don't seem like you'd know how to bake. Are you sure you don't need any help?"

"Nope." He turned his head to look at Hyunjae, "Remember, this is all for you, not for me."

Hyunjae continued to watch Jungkook do his magical baking skills. "What are making anyways?"

"Cookies," he replied with no hesitation.

Jungkook scooped the chocolate chip and tan colored batter and placed it onto the pan that had parchment paper laid all over the surface. He then opened the oven with a wave of heat hitting him and placed the pan into it. He dusted his hands once he closed the door to the oven.

"What do you want to do while we wait?" Jungkook looked over at his lover. "We could watch a movie, or we could do this arts and crafts kit I bought." Jungkook dug his hands into a paper bag and held the art kit in his hands as he showed it off.

"You bought an art kit?" Hyunjae giggled like buying such a thing was childish.

"Of course I did...," Jungkook looked at the box like there was no problem with buying it.

Hyunjae noticed the facial expression fixed upon Jungkook's face. "We can do the art kits."

Jungkook's face lit up, "Really~?".

Hyunjae smiled, "Of course."


IM BACK FROM THE DEAD AHAHA. Let's all hope that I can get back onto a regular writing schedule :)

Hope you enjoyed!!

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