26: I Wanted To Go On A Date

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"I have an idea!" Jungkook gasped as he rose from the floor of Jimin's office.

"What is it now?" Jimin mumbled without even looking at the younger.

Jungkook jumped over to where his hyung was sitting and slammed his hands onto Jimin's desk which made the elder jump. "What if I took Jae on a super fancy dinner date with her?"

"Kookie-ya," Jimin sighed deeply, "you can't just make someone like you better because they take you on a so-called 'fancy-dinner-date'."

Jungkook looked at Jimin with terror as he raked his hands through his hair, "Then what am I supposed to do?"

Jimin stood up from his chair and patted the younger on the shoulder. Jungkook watched him walk over to the door of the office, anticipating that his hyung was gonna leave him with no answer. Then right before Jimin left the room, he turned his head around to face the curious young-adult, "Just get opinions from different people around here. Getting one opinion isn't enough information." Jimin left the room, leaving Jungkook with even more curiosity and fear than to begin with.

Jungkook sat onto the chair where Jimin was just a couple of seconds ago, "What am I going to do?" He then looked down to the ground, "She promised though...she promised that she'd be my spouse till the very end."


Hyunjae ran up to Jin, who was sitting on a bench, gasping for air once she approached him.

"Jin," Hyunjae crashed onto the empty space right next to the elder, "you're being such a hypocrite."

"I know," he calmly replied.

Hyunjae looked at him weirdly, "You are being such a hypocrite. The biggest hypocrite I've ever seen."

Jin kept silent and didn't reply to what Hyunjae had just said.

"Why?" Hyunjae was eager for an explanation, "Why did you just run away from her? I get that you can't take in all of this information at once, but you can't just do that!" 

"Just shut up, Hyunjae!" Jin quickly snapped and stood up violently in front of the now frightened girl, "Not every soulmate story is the same! It was easy for you! You just clicked with Jungkook within seconds! You two were literally made for each other! My soulmate is an American who speaks English. English! A language that I can't understand in the slightest. And the whole time, Google Translator was the one to help me speak to my soulmate. Now that woman is here, standing on the same ground as I am, and I can't even bring myself to talk to her. So yeah, call me a hypocrite, call me all of the names that you want. I never liked Ella in the first place. " Jin then stormed away, leaving Hyunjae with guilt on how she was so ignorant to her best friend.

Hyunjae slowly stood up and walked back home with a broken friendship.


The moon was out, the light shining on everything it could touch. Jungkook stood in the dark in front of Hyunjae's front door of her house with a bouquet of a mixture of flowers held tightly in his hands, ready for the surprise date he had planned earlier that day.

 He wore a thin, cream-colored chiffon long-sleeve dress shirt that had several ruffles around the cuffs of the sleeves and around the collar with a little lace detailing here and there. This shirt was tucked neatly into a high-waisted, neatly ironed, black dress pants. Jungkook decided to style his hair in a way where his bangs were slicked back the gel he had borrowed from one of his hyungs. He pressed the button of the doorbell and anxiously waited for someone to open the door. 

Jungkook waited and waited for someone to open the black-painted door that stood in front of him. The several golden hoops that were pierced to his ears dangled as he tried to look through the windows from where he was located on the front porch. 

The lights are off. Is she home?

He knocked on the door with two knuckles, "Hyunjae?" 

No response. 

He knocked another time, "Jae? Are you in there?" He asked gingerly. Then suddenly, the man got a phone call from the one-and-only.

Jungkook pressed the phone against his ear and waited for the voice that he loved to hear.

"My door," she croaked, "my front door is unlocked."

Jungkook did not hang up from the call and invited himself in the estate of his soulmate. He opened the door and slipped his shoes off of his feet once he was inside. He closed the door and locked it, then began to search for Hyunjae. 

The house was pitch black and scarily quiet. It felt dead like there was no life contained in the household. Jungkook searched for a switch from the light from his phone and turned the main light on.

"Jae?" He called the lover's name as he searched around each and every room that he could find on the first floor.

Jungkook brushed his hand on the metal railings of the staircase as he walked up to each wooden step slowly, the bouquet still in his other hand. "Jae?" He called out once more. He listened carefully for the familiar voice.

"Jungkook...," he heard a faint voice, the calling of his actual name sent shivers down his spine. He wasn't used to that.

"Jae! Where are you? Call my name again! Please!" The bouquet he held dropped onto the ground. Jungkook rushed ran to every door he could see and opened it, hoping that one of these rooms contained the girl that he was looking for. 

He opened a door to a room of complete darkness with an orange hue from the street lights that were positioned outside, a silhouette of a person could be seen sitting on a bed that was looking out the window into the dark abyss. 

"I'm the worst friend, aren't I?" Hyunjae spoke softly.

"No, no you're not," Jungkook replied in a kind manner as he walked up and sat next to Hyunjae on the bed. "Why would you say such a thing?"

"I'm so selfish." Her tears glistened while she continued to verbally abuse herself. "I ruined one of the best friendships I've ever had. I ruined it, Jungkook," she then looked at the man that sat right next to her. 

Jungkook pulled the girl closer to his chest and held her dearly.

"Whatever you're going through, my love, it's going to be okay. You can get past through it, I believe in you. You're strong, I can tell," Jungkook said as he rocked slowly back and forth with Hyunjae in his arms while brushing his fingers through her hair, "I'm always going to be here for you if you ever need help on the way."



Phew, what a long chapter. This is also severely unedited so if you see any mistakes, I'll go fix it soon since I'm planning on fixing any weird mistakes in all of my published books. Maybe tomorrow, idk lol.

Thank you for reading this far!!

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