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Concert Day

I woke up in the mornings, as usual, to get ready and go to school. All night, I was expecting a text or even a FaceTime call from Kook. I stayed up until 3 AM for something to pop up, but nothing did. What a waste of time.

I sat at my desk and waited for school to start. As I was unpacking my stuff from my bag, a group of girls were talking about how they were all excited for the upcoming BTS concert.

Out of no where, I got a sudden vibration from my phone. In a blink of an eye, I grabbed my phone, expecting the text to be from Kook. Sadly, it wasn't, it was from Jin.

I'm picking u up early from school today. Maybe around lunch time

Okie :))

I put smiley faces to show that I was excited, but in reality I was sad as ever because I never received anything from my soulmate at all. I'm supposed to go to the concert with him, too.

Alas, the time finally came when I had to be picked up early by my best friend. To my surprise, he was all sweaty. Like, really sweaty. It's like he came straight out of a sauna or something.

"Why're you so sweaty?" I asked the elder man as I buckled myself into his car.

"Um, I, um, went jogging," he stuttered.

Strange. I remember him telling me that he hates working out. Maybe he suddenly wants to be fit.

"Why are you picking me up so early though? Isn't the concert later on in the day?" I asked him curiously.

"Uhm, yeah, I know. It's just that I feel like you're ready to know," he smiled at me for a second before turning his head towards the road.

"Ready to know what?"

"Goodness, is it not that obvious that I don't want to tell you?" Jin looked at me annoyingly. I kept my mouth shut after that.

After around a thirty minute drive, we arrived at the stadium where the concert is going to be held.

"Wait, Jin, aren't we supposed to be waiting outside of the stadium, not underneath?" I asked him as he drove to the basement part of the stadium.

"Yah, I can do whatever I want, okay? It took me a lot of convincing to get you back here," he replied coldly.

Once Jin parked the car, I hopped out of the vehicle.

"C'mon, Hyunjae, someone's waiting for you," Jin said as he hung his arm over my shoulder as we walked towards the elevators. My immediate reaction was to remove his arm because it was still a little sweaty and sticky.

"Who's waiting for me?" I questioned Jin as we got into the elevator.


Wow, what a very helpful answer.

Once we got out of the elevator, Jin lead us to a series of hallways and doors.

"How much longer?" I whined because I was so exhausted from walking.

"We're almost there, stop whining," he replied

Jin then opened a door to a room that revealed five men lounging around on the couches that were available. All of their heads whipped around to look at me.

"Guys, this is the girl that Jungkook has been talking about 24/7." Jin gave me a subtle push, from my back, into the men filled room.

"Hi," I awkwardly waved at all them. One of them, in particular, caught my eye. That's Jimin, isn't it?

"Dami? You're Jungkook's soulmate?" Jimin pointed at me as he asked his question that made Jin burst into laughter.

"AHAHA! Jimin-ah! Her name isn't Dami, it's Hyunjae. Dami was only her cover-name," Jin continued to laugh.

"Oh." Jimin lowered his arm.

"Jae?" I heard a familiar voice coming from behind, "Is that you?"

To the calling of my name, I turned around.


All of sudden, Jungkook came up to me with wide arms and hugged me tightly.

"It is you," he whispered softly into my ear, "I didn't mean to leave you like that yesterday. I promise I'll never do that again."



Anyways, thank you for reading this chapter!!

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