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        "Ivy!! Where is your Gryffindor pride?!" Said a very angry James Potter as he marched up to Ivy, who was eating breakfast and talking to her friends. They all turned to look at him. He had his hands on his hips and was glaring at Ivy. She smiled.

        "What Gryffindor pride? I'm a Ravenclaw," Ivy said, pointing to the blue and bronze tie.

        "Remus's sweater! Your lover!" James said loudly, causing Ivy's sarcastic persona to crack at those two words for some reason. She was still getting used to 'dating' Remus or whatever they called it and James referring to it so casually was weird to her.

        "Um— it's in my dorm," Ivy said, clearing her throat as she attempted regained her confidence. Bella snickered beside her, causing Ivy to whack her on the arm.

        "Well, go get it!" James said. Ivy groaned.

        "Fine, but you're coming with me," Ivy said as she grabbed James's arm and began walking to the Ravenclaw tower together.

        "Are you excited?" James said with a grin, causing Ivy to shrug.

        "I guess. You guys better win," Ivy said as they walked, passing other students that were walking in the other direction.

"We will, don't worry. Hufflepuff isn't even that good," James scoffed as they climbed the stairs. Ivy gave him an incredulous look.

"Don't be too cocky," Ivy said with a smile as they walked down the long corridor.

        "I'm not," He said with a roll of his eyes and a grin as they continued to walk. They enjoyed the cold weather, breathing it in nostalgically. They arrived at the Ravenclaw tower. Ivy answered the riddle and left James outside, running in to grab the Gryffindor sweater. She pulled it over her head. The scent of Remus never completely went away.

        She walked out. "Happy?"

       "Very much so," James said as they began the walk back to the Great Hall, finishing breakfast and beginning to walk out to the Quidditch Pitch. Ivy fell in step with Remus and Peter.

        "Do you think Gryffindor will win?" Remus asked Peter and Ivy as they walked. Ivy had the Honorary Marauder beanie on.

        She gave a harsh laugh. "They better. I'm wearing a Gryffindor sweater as a Ravenclaw."

"It suits you, Ivy," Peter said as Ivy looked down at herself.

"Really? The red and gold or being a Gryffindor?" Ivy asked with a small smile. Peter smiled back, shrugging.

"Both, really. You're super smart though, so you're a better Ravenclaw."

She laughed as they began to walk in the stands before she ran into someone on accident.

"Andrews. How've you been?" Ivy said calmly, a picture of elegance and grace. Adam looked at her before bringing his eyes up to Remus Lupin, who was staring at him, almost daringly.

"Just peachy, Scott. And you?" He said, putting on a grin. Ivy gave an equally fake one back.


The tension in the air was unbearable for anyone around them. They were both smiling at each other in a way that wasn't genuine at all. Ivy was debating on whether she should make a snippy comment on the Ravenclaw team's success this year.

"Well, I've got to go get ready for the big match. Against Gryffindor and Hufflepuff," Ivy said, nodding her head as she breezed past him. Peter looked at Remus with wide eyes, nonverbally saying something about the icy atmosphere that seemed to be surrounding Ivy, which was unusual with her. She was always so calm, but Adam Andrews was good at striking a nerve.

Remus walked past Adam, giving him a small smile that didn't mean anything. Peter followed, avoiding Adam's gaze completely. The three sat down in the Gryffindor section. Remus smiled at Ivy as she fixed her hair, sitting up straight and folding her hands primly in her lap. She noticed Remus staring with an awestruck face.

"What?" She asked sort of defensively, looking at him. He laughed softly.

"You handled that well."

Ivy gave a sarcastic laugh with the roll of her eyes. "There wasn't much to handle. It was just a friendly conversation."

"It didn't look very friendly," Peter said with a small smile. She shrugged.

"Well. It's hard to be friendly with him."

"Alright! Let's get this Quidditch Championship on the road!" Sirius bellowed into the microphone, causing the crowd to cheer. "Okay. Let's start with Gryffindor. Captain and Chaser, James Potter!"

        James flew out, visibly confident. The crowd cheered as his red and gold uniform billowed in the wind. Sirius continued to call out the names, a lot of the crowd cheered for Gryffindor and booed for Hufflepuff.

"Potter has the ball! He passes to Dorcas, she flies— and scores!"

       The scoreboard changed as the crowd roared. Dorcas and James shared a high-five.

        The game passed and it was a landslide. Gryffindor was a much better team. They were up by ninety before the Gryffindor seeker spotted the snitch.

        "Oh? He spots the snitch?" Sirius said, on the edge of his seat. "He's diving! Oh, they're neck to neck— And he catches it! Gryffindor wins the house cup!"

        Everyone cheered, standing up and shouting. Gryffindor flew to the ground, hugging each other. James was presented with the quidditch cup. He hesitated as he took it. All eyes were on him as he walked to the Hufflepuff team, giving the quidditch cup to their seeker. Hufflepuff clapped. They hugged each other, sharing a few short words.

        "Oh, I know him. He lost his dad to dragon pox not that long ago," Ivy whispered to Remus and Peter.

        Ivy walked down the stairs with the other two Marauders. "That was a very noble thing to do, James."

        He shrugged sheepishly. This was an unusually humble and selfless thing for him. Lily Evans passed, walking with her friends.

        "Evans, wanna go to Hogsmeade with me?" James shouted after her. Sirius and Remus laughed. Lily stopped in her tracks. Her back was facing the five, so to them, she was just standing there. Marlene and Alice noticed she had stopped walking and looked back at her. Lily looked over her shoulder.

        "No," She said harshly, walking away with her friends. Sirius gasped and laughed.

        "Did you see that?!"

        "See what?"

        "That's progress! Major progress!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands. "She didn't even shout!"

        James shook his head as they began walking away, Sirius still talking about Lily. Ivy and Remus looked at each other exasperatedly. The rest of the day was spent hanging out in the Great Hall, talking nonchalantly.


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