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Ivy walked into the great hall and immediately looked over to the Hufflepuff table. The prank had worked, which made her very happy.

Today, the kids who would be going home to their parents for Christmas break were getting ready. They were going to leave Hogwarts at twelve o'clock.

Ivy always went home, there was no one she could talk to at Hogwarts. Her parents were strict, but she knew they cared about her. Her mother was more strict than her father.

After breakfast, she went up to the Ravenclaw tower to check and make sure she had packed everything.

"Clothes... shoes... wand..." She muttered as she checked through everything. She grabbed her luggage and walked down the stairs and waited to leave.

Eventually, she hopped on the train and found an empty compartment. James walked in a few minutes later, greeting her. Remus, Sirius, and Peter followed in after.

Remus sat down next to Ivy, saying hello. They all settled down, finding a seat.

        They all chatted about random things before Ivy decided to take a risk and look over at Remus. He was attractive, but not in the movie star way like Sirius was. He had scars on his face, which were mysterious to Ivy. She decided not to ask because that seemed rude, in her opinion. He was also very, very kind. Ivy thought that was weird, seeing who he hangs out with.

        She looked away, realizing she was staring. Her cheeks were a light pink type color. She started to join back in on the conversation, recovering her short moment of being flustered.

Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, and the rest of her friends walked into their compartment. A look of disgust washed over her face.

"Sorry, I thought this compartment was empty—"

"Lilypad will you go to Hogsmeade with me when we get back from Christmas break—?"

"No! It will always be no, Potter," Lily said before she stormed away, her friends trailing behind her.

        "James, you should move on. She totally hates you," Ivy said plainly.

        Remus smiled slightly. Lily was one of Remus's friends, they sat next to each other in a few classes. But he did think she should give James a chance. James night come off a bit strong, but was a nice person once you got to know him. He didn't blame Lily at all, though. She had a right to say no to him. He was just biased because they're best friends.

        "Oh, she doesn't hate me," James said, scoffing at Ivy's words. He was definitely a bit hurt that one of his friends disliked his future girlfriend, but nonetheless, he was not going to give up on her.

        After a few seconds of sitting in silence, Ivy grabbed a book, finally moving her leg from where it was touching Remus's, sitting criss-cross-applesauce style, flipping a page. The rest of the group eyed her like she was crazy.

        "Why are you reading?" James asked stupidly, as Ivy rolled her eyes. She was reading 'The Outsiders.'

        "Because it's fun. And there is nothing else to do," Ivy said as she flipped a page, her eyebrows furrowed. Remus looked over to her and felt himself sort of sigh. Remus didn't think Lily was as attractive compared to Ivy. Ivy had flaws, just like himself. It always seemed like Lily was really perfect, which sort of bothered him, and he could tell it bothered Ivy also. Ivy also tended to come across as perfect, but in a different way than Lily. Ivy was just so smart.

        The group chatted, talking about how much they hated certain teachers, and how that charms essay that they had to write was super difficult and James failed it, and many other things.

A few minutes later, Ivy clapped her hands together."So. What are your future pranks? Can I help with them?"

"Ooh, look at miss goody two shoes, wanting to help with our prank that could possibly get her detention! Oh no! How will she live?" Sirius said, sarcasm laced within his voice. Ivy rolled her eyes, scoffed, and smacked him on the arm.

"I'm not a goody-two-shoes—"

"Oh yes you are," Sirius replied, a smirk on his face knowing he was making Ivy frustrated. Heat rose to her cheeks as she began to prepare for a small argument.

"No, I'm not. I'm not even a Prefect. There is a difference to being smart than to be a goody-two-shoes," Ivy replied, sticking her nose in the air. Now it was Sirius's turn to scoff.

"Prove it," He said, Taunting her. Ivy opened and closed her mouth, trying to come up with a comeback.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She said shrilly, crossing her arms. She didn't like to be reminded that she wasn't the adventurous type. She prided herself on her intelligence, but hated to be perceived as one of the perfect robots that always followed the rules, even if she was that way.

"It means, do something bad," Sirius said, now smiling evilly. Remus blinked. "Something, like, yell a few curse words outside of our compartment, loudly."

She scoffed. "That's so stupid. Curse words aren't a crime."

Sirius motioned towards the door, a smile on his face. Ivy stood up with an exasperated expression on her face, opening the compartment door. Ivy looked back to them, a look that was a mixture of disappointment and annoyance, making eye contact with Remus. He raised his eyebrows, visibly amused with the situation. The rest of the boys were waiting in anticipation.

She stuck her head out of the compartment door and began to shout a long string of curse words, banging her hand against the wall with every word she spoke. The rest of the teenagers in the room guffawed. Ivy closed the compartment door immediately, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

        "I can't believe I just did that! Asshole! The trolley lady probably wants to kill me!" Ivy said as she punched Sirius lightly on the arm. Sirius was still laughing.

        "I didn't make you do it," Sirius said, still laughing as Ivy sat down.

        Eventually, they arrived at Kings Cross, ready to go back to their homes outside of Hogwarts. Ivy hopped off the train, looking for her mum and dad. She eventually found them and walked over. Her brother was already there, waiting for her. Ivy was already sort of dreading being around her parents so much. They were more uptight than her, which was saying something. Ivy already wanted to go back to Hogwarts.


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