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        "I'm not even cold, stop being so stubborn," Ivy whispered furiously as she pushed the Gryffindor sweater away that Remus was forcing into her hands.

        "Yes, you are! You keep complaining about it! And we're both being stubborn," Remus said, holding the folded sweater in his hands. Ivy looked at him for a long second before snatching it and putting it on. They were standing right outside of the Library, where they had walked together. It's true, Ivy has complained about being cold the whole time.

        "This is so Cliche, you know," Ivy said with an air of haughtiness as she pulled it over her head. Remus laughed.

        "Better?" He asked once she had it on. She shoved him as he laughed and walked past him to the library where she would study before breakfast. He walked away, going to breakfast.

        It had been a few weeks since Ivy had to take time off from Alchemy and she was back now. She was studying more, which most people didn't think was possible. Valentine's day had passed and Ivy and Remus shared a mutual hatred for it. Neither of them liked being all cheesy and romantic. They did get each other small presents though.

        Everyone whispered and stared at Ivy's appearance with Remus's Gryffindor sweater. It was obvious who the sweater belonged to, so Ivy's idea of not really telling anyone about 'dating' Remus went out the window as soon as she stepped foot in the castle with the red and gold on. Sure, she had told her roommates and Marlene, who all gave dramatic reactions that included screaming and running around whatever room they were in, but no one else.

        Currently, Ivy was walking to breakfast, early as usual. Chloe, Bella, and Jessica were next to her. Bella was rambling about some hot gossip she had gotten this morning.

"And Eliza and Ruby are dating now! She dumped Tommy this morning to date her! Apparently, they've had this thing for a while now in secret! Let's just say he was not happy!" Bella exclaimed with a grin, finally getting to the end of her story as they sat down.

        "It's what he deserves, I'm pretty sure he treated Eliza like shit," Chloe said with a shrug as she ate a strawberry.

        "Wait, since when did Ruby break up with Charlotte?" Jessica asked. Bella scoffed. Bella was always the first to find out about any drama.

        "A while ago! Like, maybe three weeks. Or less, I don't know," Bella said as she tucked a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear.

        "How do you even know this?" Jessica asked with an exasperated smile.

        "I've got eyes and ears all around this castle. If something happens, I'll know," Bella said with a wink. "Speaking of gossip, you wearing that Gryffindor sweater has been the talk of the town lately."

        Ivy scoffed. "Yeah, right. I just put it on."

        "Word travels fast, my dear, especially when I'm around. It's the hot gossip with the Eliza and Ruby scandal. This morning a few people were like 'Bella, you're close with Ivy, whose sweater is she wearing?' and then they saw you talking to Remus in your accidentally flirty way and they go 'oh.'" Bella said, causing Ivy to roll her eyes as she adjusted the large Gryffindor sweater she had on.

       "Shut up. It's not all that new, you said that people have been speculating that we're together for a while now," Ivy said as she tucked her dark hair behind her ears.

        "Yeah, but it's practically official now! Of course, it's not news that you two have extreme chemistry, but you're wearing his sweatshirt! That's a pretty big deal," Jessica cut in, shrugging her shoulders with a smile. Ivy shook her head, about to say something before they were interrupted.

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