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        Ivy woke up, immediately shielding her eyes from the sun streaming through the window. Her head was pounding.

"Oh good! You're awake!" Jessica said in a quiet voice. She had no hangover. Ivy poked her eyes out from under the duvet carefully, squinting up at Jessica. Jessica was smirking down at her. "You drank an awful lot last night."

Ivy just looked up at Jessica miserably. She got out of bed carefully, barely able to walk, grabbing her potions book. Jessica watched her confusedly as she flipped the pages.

"I'm looking for a potion to cure hangovers," said after seeing her confused face. "I'm not having much success. I could brew a Pepperup Potion but that's mostly for a common cold. There are spells for a migraine, but that's not really what any of us have and it's highly dangerous if done incorrectly. So we'll just have to suffer."

"I doubt anyone needs a hangover potion more than you, Ivy," Bella said suddenly, drowsily sitting up. "You drank more than enough. Or you're just a lightweight."

Ivy sighed as she looked up at her, defeated. "Did I do anything I would regret?"

Bella shrugged since she was also wasted and couldn't remember anything. Jessica sighed, exasperated.

"No, not really. You were just outgoing. And I don't think anyone except for maybe me and whoever else didn't drink last night remembers anything," Jessica said, hands placed on her hips. Ivy closed her book lazily.

"Shit," Chloe groaned from her bed, rolling out of it hurriedly and running to the bathroom.

"And there's the vomit," Bella said as she got out of bed, a bit too chipper for being drunk last night. Chloe walked out a few minutes later, rubbing her eyes that had makeup smeared underneath them.

"Why didn't any of you stop me from drinking last night?" Chloe said as she stumbled over to her wardrobe to find clothes.

"You were unstoppable. I swear I tried, but you wouldn't stop," Jessica shrugged. Chloe shook her head, almost disappointed in herself as she grabbed clothes and walked to the bathroom to change.

Ivy felt like she couldn't move without every muscle in her body aching. It felt similar to after the first day of quidditch conditioning where John was hellbent on the team being in shape.

Chloe walked out of the bathroom with a hoodie on and a pair of sweatpants, looking in her small mirror. "I look like I have a hangover."

She then grabbed makeup, lathering it onto her face in attempts to hide her under eye bags. After a while of feeling drained, Ivy hopped up, grabbing clothes and walking to the bathroom. After getting ready for the day, she grabbed her bag that was full with all her stuff and walked to breakfast sluggishly.

It was already well into the day and most students were there, but a good amount of the Gryffindor section was still missing. She looked around at the Gryffindor table and spotted James waving her over. She walked slowly and carefully.

        "It's so loud in here," Sirius said before spotting Ivy and managing to give a small smile.

"Good morning," Ivy said in a voice that already gave away she was super tired.

"I'd hardly call this a 'good' morning," Sirius grumbled as he stared at his food lazily, not eating. James was obviously amused with his friends. Remus looked up at her with squinted eyes.

"Ivy, kill me now," Remus said as she laughed. Peter nodded in agreement.

"This is torture. Ivy, how are you so awake?" Peter said. Ivy shrugged.

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