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        "Chloe! How was your summer?" Ivy said as she met up with her roommates in the Great Hall, back at Hogwarts from their summer break.

        She sighed. "It was nice, I guess. A little boring though. When we hung out was the most fun out I had."

Ivy and her roommates had a sleepover this summer at Chloe's house.

        "Mine was rather boring as well," Jessica said as she folded her hands in her lap. "What classes are you guys taking this year?"

        "Same as last year," Ivy shrugged, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I would hope that Alchemy gets a little easier. I doubt it though since now it's just advanced."

        "Well, I'm sure you'll do great! You got a good score last year, so you should just continue to improve," Jessica said nonchalantly as Dumbledore stepped up to the podium, saying a few words.

After he was done, they ate their food, discussing their summer breaks.

         "Ivy, are you still with Remus?" Chloe said, leaving over to look at Ivy. Ivy nodded.

        "Yes," Ivy said calmly. Chloe smiled.

         "I don't even know why I asked, of course you two are."

        Ivy smiled slightly. She hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him since she got to Hogwarts, and she rode on the train with Lily and Marlene. She learned some crucial information about Lily's feelings towards James on the way, too. She was debating on if she should tell James or not, since it was kind of Lily to trust Ivy enough to tell her. Well, Marlene is the one who spilled the beans, but Lily admitted it once it was in the air.

She did want to talk to Remus since it had been a month since she had spoken to him in person. Of course, she called him on the phone, which was shared by her and her brother, so it was always embarrassing for him to shout out for the whole house to hear, "Ivy! Your boyfriend's calling!"

Ivy got her bag, walking to her dorm with furrowed eyebrows as she contemplated her schedule and the level of difficulty this school year would bring. It would be probably just as hard as last year, and possibly a bit easier since she's advanced in everything.

Almost out of habit, she walked to the library, parting from her group of friends and sitting in a chair sighing. She didn't know what order her classes would be in, or who they'd be with, but she was hoping that she didn't have Alchemy and Charms back to back. Both were mentally straining.

The door to the library opened quietly. She glanced up from where she was staring at the floor, meeting Remus's kind eyes. He smiled slightly. Ivy smiled in return. Remus walked over, standing next to her.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked, gesturing to the chair next to her. She shook her head no, causing him to sit down in it. "Why are you already studying?"

Ivy blinked, trying to figure out how to word it so that it wouldn't sound like she was already overworking herself. "Because I want to get slightly ahead of everyone else."

"You already are."

Ivy rolled her eyes with a small scoff. "Please, whatever."

"It's true! You're smart."

She sighed, tucking a strand of her recently cut, wavy brown hair. "How have you been?"

"I've been good. You?"

"Good. Gah, sorry for all the times Justin has answered the phone this summer. He barely knows how to work it," Ivy said with a frown. Remus laughed.

"I thought it was quite amusing. I don't know why he always feels the need to scream through the phone," He said with a shrug. Ivy laughed, shaking her head.

"Also, Sirius has become a menace now that he can disapparate easily. He's shown up at my house with no warning three times," Ivy said. Remus nodded.

"He told me about that! He did it to me too, but he had more fun with you since you always give a good reaction to everything," Remus said. Ivy stuck her nose in the air.

"Ugh. I just enable him. But I can't help it! You're too calm. Be more prickly, like me," Ivy said, causing Remus to laugh. The librarian shushed them.

"I'm glad you've been doing good. I wanted to visit you sometime this summer, but I was nervous..." Remus said with a blush, looking away. Ivy smiled.

"Why? Did you think I wouldn't want to or something?" Ivy said as she rested her head on her hand. He shrugged unsurely.

"I don't know. I didn't want to bother you too much, since you like your schedule and like to be independent," Remus said with a smile.

"I like it when you bother me, Remus. I'll disrupt my schedule any day, just for you," Ivy said, patting him on the shoulder twice with a grin. He laughed, his cheeks turning a darker shade of red.

"That's basically a love confession from you."

Now it was Ivy's turn to become red. She stuttered, angry at herself for giving him a reaction and not being able to handle the slightest bit of teasing. After a few seconds of spluttering nonsense, she stopped, sighed, and cleared her throat. Remus watched her with a loving smile.

"Shut up."

She couldn't keep a serious face with that statement, causing her to crack a small smile and look away.

"We should get going since it's the first day of school tomorrow," Remus said, glancing at the time. Ivy nodded.


Remus walked Ivy to her common room, stopping in front of the eagle and placing his hands on her shoulders. He kissed her gently, wrapping his arm around her waist as cupped his face with one hand and held his empty one with the other.

"Sorry for teasing you so much," Remus said as they broke the kiss, face still close to hers. Ivy frowned as soon as she saw the smirk on his face, knowing this statement would lead to another tease. He cupped her face, brushing his thumb over her lips. "You're just too cute."

"You are so annoying!" Ivy said as she shoved him away, bright red. Of all the things he's done, this one had to have been the one to make her blush the most. He laughed, pleased with the reaction.

"Goodnight, Ivy."

She flipped him off as she answered the eagles' riddle, causing him to laugh a bit more. She turned towards him, smiling and blowing a kiss. "Goodnight, my dearest Remus."

And with that farewell, the door shut behind her. He sighed, standing there for a second until he walked to his dorm, his mind still full of thoughts that all concerned Ivy. The fact that he's a werewolf didn't seem to bother her at all, which Remus didn't really like. He still didn't think it was okay for someone with such a bright future ahead to be dating himself.

He hated himself for falling in love with her. And he wished she never fell in love with him. If only he never wondered about that pretty Ravenclaw girl. If only Slughorn didn't assign their seats right next to each other. If only Ivy wasn't surprisingly kind. If only he was more firm and controlled his feelings better, pushing her away. If only she didn't kiss him on New Year's Eve.

With one last sigh, he walked into the common room, placing a delicate hand on the jagged scars running across his face like Ivy would do when he was upset.

        And with that, seventh year began, soon to become one of the most stressful years of their lives.


long time no see, everyone!!! hahah as you can tell, this story doesn't have a strict updating schedule as it should! i'm gonna try to wrap up the book in the next few chapters since it's getting quite lengthy, so hopefully stay tuned! maybe

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