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        When Ivy woke up in Chloe's room, she had a headache. Naturally, she tried to make out memories of last night, but it all felt like a foggy dream.

"Holy shit, what did I do last night?" Ivy asked as she rubbed her eyes. Everyone else was already awake and beginning to get ready for the day.

"Well, after you drank an astronomical amount of Butterbeer and you opened up about your lovingly feelings for Remus," Bella said casually as she dusted her cheeks with blush. Ivy's eyes widened.

"R-Remus Lupin?"


"What did I say?" Ivy managed to stutter out, beginning to get nervous.

"Oh nothing much. How you wanted to snog him, how attractive he his, how much you like him," Bella said with a shrug like this was common knowledge. Ivy laid her head on the back of the armchair she slept in.

"Do I really like him that much?" Ivy said, thinking out loud. Bella shrugged.

"They do say that drunk words are sober thoughts. Also, you said, and I quote, "I do really like him, I'm not being a drunk idiot," so, that must mean something," Bella said as she walked away and into the bathroom, where she changed into clothes for the day. Ivy thought long and hard about Remus.

She still didn't want to come around to the idea that she fancied him. Ivy wasn't one to think about boys often, but Remus was making it awfully hard to think about anyone or anything else. Ivy decided that she was drunk and it meant almost nothing. Although, she couldn't help but feel she was lying to herself.

Ivy eventually got up and got ready for the day, changing into her clothes and doing her morning routine. Once they were all dressed, they went to Diagon Alley where they bought school supplies for the upcoming year.

        "We all should have done this a while ago," Ivy said as they walked through Flourish and Blotts, picking up the books they need.

        "Yeah, probably. I'm surprised they aren't sold out or something, since we waited until the very last minute," Jessica said as they walked to the register to pay. Once they were done with buying books, they were basically finished. Chloe needed new robes since she managed to outgrow her old ones.

        "How are you still growing? You were already super tall," Jessica said as Chloe got measured.

        "Not that tall. Well, taller than all of you, but still," Chloe exclaimed as they walked out Madam Malkin's robe shop.

          After their day at Diagon Alley, Ivy travelled back to her home where she already began to pack her clothes for Hogwarts, grinning down at her luggage, excited to go back.


Ivy walked through the halls of Hogwarts, taking everything in like it was the first time she's seen the castle. She didn't ride on the train with James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus, but instead with Marlene, Lily, Alice, and Mary. Lily was nice to her, making Ivy feel kind of guilty for misjudging her.

As the students walked down the halls, Sirius Black ran up to Ivy and tapped her on the shoulder. Ivy gasped and grinned at him.

"Sirius!" She exclaimed happily as they walked. James came not too much longer, followed by Remus and Peter.

"How was your summer?" Remus asked Ivy. She shrugged.

"Good, I guess. Rather boring, though," Ivy said. Remus looked down at her, his eyes twinkling in joy.

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