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        It was the day of quidditch tryouts. Ivy was absolutely terrified. Sure, John has almost guaranteed her a spot on the team, but there could be someone better in the castle.

        "You are trying out for quidditch, right?" James asked as they walked to their first class, transfiguration. Remus, Sirius, and Peter followed behind him and Ivy, listening to what they said.

        "Yes. I'm trying out for beater." Ivy said slowly and carefully as James gasped. She expected this reaction. Still winced, though.

        "You? A beater? Strange. You look like more of a seeker-type gal," He said as he examined her, like yesterday morning. Ivy felt a bit uncomfortable.

        "I know. I never expected me to be a beater. I'm kind of scared, to be honest. I'm gonna make plenty of mistakes," Ivy said, confessing what has been on her mind lately.

        "Mistakes are how you learn to get better," James said with a smile as Sirius walked next to Ivy.

        Last Saturday, John and Ivy got Ivy her broom in Hogsmeade. It was the newest Cleansweep, and it was very nice. Apparently, it was the fastest model yet.

        "I'm the commentator. I'm quite a good one if I do say so myself," Sirius said as he winked at one of the Ravenclaw girls, making her turn around and whisper excitedly to her friends.

        "You? Good at something?" Ivy said with fake surprise as they sat down at the transfiguration table. Sirius flashed her the middle finger.

        "I'm not involved in quidditch," Remus said quietly with a smile as James scoffed.

        "You'd make a terrific keeper!" He exclaimed Remus rolled his eyes. Remus thought that he shouldn't play quidditch because of his condition and practice all the time would give people more of a chance to figure it out.

        Transfiguration started, and it wasn't the best class, nor the worst, like usual. Ivy looked over to Remus. He looked sick. Ivy furrowed her eyebrows. "Hey, are you sick?"

        Remus looked askance. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He knew exactly why he looked a bit under the weather. Remus enjoyed Ivy's company. When she finds out, he thought nothing would be the same. Ivy had an uncanny ability to read people, so of course she noticed his odd behavior when she asked him if his health.

       "Yeah. Just a cold." Remus muttered before continuing his charms work. Ivy raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise.

Ivy said her response as McGonagall dismissed them. She got up and went to her next class without Remus.

"Guys. I think Ivy is catching on," Remus said as they all looked over to her. She was walking to potions, her legs moving as fast as they could.

"What?" Sirius asked, trying to act surprised. Ivy was one of the smartest people he knew even if he just met less than a few months ago. She was going to find out sooner or later. Probably sooner.

"You'll be fine. Even if she does find out, she will still like you." Peter replied. Remus was unsure. Once she found out, he thought he was doomed.

        Ivy sat down at the potions table and Remus came in a few minutes later. She was honestly worried about him.

"Remus, are you okay?" She asked, placing a hand on his arm. He glanced down at it. Ivy realized what she had done and retracted it, like touching his arm was some ungodly treason she would be struck down for. Of course, she only thinks this way because our dear Ivy is socially awkward.

"Yeah. I just have a small cold," Remus said, forcing a smile and adding the next ingredient. Ivy was skeptical.

They finished potions, the thought of Remus's sickness still on her mind for the rest of the day.


        Ivy walked out to the Quidditch pitch and over to John. She decided to change into athletic clothes, which she rarely wore. She had tight, spandex shorts on and a t-shirt. They revealed he thighs, which were rarely visible except in the summer. She was a bit self-conscious before, so she decided to focus on tryouts rather than her outfit. Although, this made her more anxious.

         "How's it going, my little beater," John said with a smirk as Ivy rolled her eyes. John walked out onto the field with her. "You ready?"

        "I guess. There isn't that many people anyways," Ivy said as she looked around at all the people. John must have really meant it when he said they were running low on quidditch players this year. John rolled his eyes and reassured her that everything would be fine.

        "Okay. May I have your attention please," John said at seven o'clock, which is when tryouts were supposed to start. They all turned their attention to him. He cleared his throat and looked around nervously.

"Right. Beaters over there, seekers right there, chasers over there, keepers there. I am a chaser, so there are only two spots left," John said as he pointed to different spots on the field.

        Ivy walked over to the beater spot. There were two other people. One of them was kind of scrawny, and the other looked older. She has seen him around school before since he was in Ravenclaw. The older one's gaze lingered on her, opening his mouth to talk.

"Well, Well, Well. Ivy Scott. You don't look like a beater," He said once she got over to him. She scowled and stood beside him. He was creepy. Then, he stuck out his hand to be shook. "The name's Andrews, Adam Andrews."

She glanced at the hand with disgust, which she thought she hid well, even though the look she gave him was clear to everyone else. She shook his hand with a fake smile, looking out to John and hoping he would hurry up and start tryouts.

        "Okay. Two laps around the pitch, then we can get started." John said as he hopped on his broom and flew away. Ivy got on hers as quick as possible and eventually caught up with John.

        "This is a nice broom!" Ivy exclaimed as John smiled at her. Ivy was enjoying herself. Quidditch was fun. Now she knew why her brother loved it so much.

         After their two laps, John told the chasers and keepers to fly up with him, and the beaters and seekers to wait until he was done with them. There were two seekers trying out. Ivy waited patiently, avoiding Adam and his attempts at a conversation.

"Okay, Beaters, Seekers, you're up," John yelled down to them. The Chasers and Keepers flew down as the Beaters and Seekers flew up to John.

"It looks like all of you will make the team. Because we need reserves in case the starters get injured. So there will be one reserve for the Seekers and one for the Beaters. Seekers, I'm going to throw a golf ball up. You need to catch it before the other. I will do this a few times, and whoever catches it the most out of five times wins. Beaters, you are trying to hit them. Ivy and Adam can go, then you can go by yourself since there are only two bats."

John threw up the golf balls as he released the bludgers. The bludgers came zooming at Ivy and Adam. They hit them away, and they came flying back, a few seconds later. Ivy launched one at the girl that was trying out. it hit her on the arm. Ivy cringed. Adam missed his target.

Soon enough, the girl that was trying out for seeker caught it three out of five times, and  got the spot of starting seeker. Adam and Ivy had the starting beater spots, even though John hasn't told them who made the team yet. The other one trying out was sort of pathetic.

"Alright! Results will be posted tomorrow morning. Get a good nights sleep!" John said as he dismissed them. Ivy walked back to the castle. She felt hopeful for the first time in a while.


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