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Ivy woke up and yawned, remembering today was quidditch tryouts and their captain was the returning beater, Adam Andrews, to her dismay. She didn't care very much about quidditch, but she also didn't like seeing egotistical men like Adam get everything handed to them in life when they don't deserve it.

She got dressed and dragged herself out of her dorm, still yawning as she turned out of the common room and walked down the stairs to the Great Hall.

Since she was taking six classes, she was already incredibly sleep deprived with almost no time to do anything. There was barely anyone in the Great Hall, so she decided to go ahead and study a bit. After a while it became much too loud to focus and she put away her books, beginning to eat breakfast.

Jessica sat down next to her, smiling as she grabbed breakfast, Chloe not far behind. Ivy began to butter a slice of toast as Bella ran in the Great Hall frantically, immediately sprinting towards Ivy once she saw them.

"Holy shit, Ivy!" Bella said as she sat down, breathing heavily. It took her a second before she caught her breath, fanning her face.

"Why did you run over here?" Jessica asked. Bella tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, still panting.

"I have some gossip!" Bella said in a singsong voice. Jessica and Chloe giggled and cheered. "And it involves you, Ivy!"

"What, me?!"

"Yes! I got the inside scoop this morning just a few minutes ago," Bella explained as she leaned in closer to say what she heard. "So, basically, you know Adam Andrews? Quidditch Captain? Well, Rylie said that Beth said that Ruby said that Charlotte said that Mary said that Eliza said that her boyfriend, who is Adam's best friend, Tom, said he really fancies you, Ivy. Like, a lot. He's gonna ask you out today during your one free period!"

"Oh my god!" Chloe exclaimed. Bella shushed her. They looked over at Ivy to see her reaction.

"How does he know when my free period is?" Ivy asked, fiddling with the strap of her bag nervously.

        "I think he asked Eliza since she has every class with you," Bella said. Ivy nodded, glad he didn't steal her timetable or stalk her to find out.

         "He was eyeing me at the welcoming feast," Ivy said thoughtfully. "But he's rather creepy and he always mansplains things to me. So I'm saying no if he does ask me out."

"He is a bit creepy, and maybe it's for the best, he's such a player. There's still Lupin," Jessica said. Ivy turned to look at her.

"What about Lupin?" Ivy said as coolly as she could, trying not to sound suspicious. Jessica gave a laugh.

"You fancy the pants off him!" Jessica said loudly, Ivy shushing her.

"Maybe a bit," Ivy muttered as Chloe ate a few blueberries. "But it doesn't matter if he doesn't reciprocate the feelings."

"I'm sure he does. And I'm honestly kind of nervous for you, Ivy. Adam is known to be very persistent. I know from experience," Bella said before their heads all whipped around towards the door, where he was walking in. "Speak of the devil."

Adam and all his friends walked in, laughing about something. As they were laughing, Adam looked at Ivy, a smile still etched on his face. He gave a wink and a big, boyish grin as his friends pulled him away to where they usually sat.

"Bloody hell!" Ivy exclaimed once he was out of earshot, turning towards the three girls who were squealing. "I don't want to say no, what if I hurt his feelings?"

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