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"I can't wear a goddamn dress, Bella!" Ivy said frantically, searching through her closet.

"Ivy. Sweetie. You need to make Remus's jaw drop!" Bella retaliated, holding up a short, slightly revealing dress.

"Also, it's cold outside! I'll be very cold in that dress, and it probably doesn't fit me," Ivy explained, taking a deep breath and raking her hands through her short hair. "I should just wear what I normally wear. Jeans and a nice sweater or something. All I'm doing is going to Hogsmeade with Remus, it's not a big deal."

"It's a date, Ivy, call it a date," Jessica said from where she was sitting on her bed, examining the options they had laid out.

"I think jeans are fine. Make them a nice pair, though, and ripped," Chloe said, searching through Ivy's drawer and throwing a dark blue pair of jeans at her. Ivy sighed in resentment as Chloe continued to search. In the end, they agreed on a pair of jeans, a tucked in purple sweater and a pair of off-white tennis shoes.

Ivy looked in the mirror after finishing her makeup and hair, nervously turning in the mirror to see every inch of her. "Are you sure I look okay?"

        "Yes, you look great. And you have to eat breakfast before you go on your date, anyways," Chloe said, grabbing her stuff and beginning to walk out of her dorm. Ivy followed nervously. They were never very early when they went to breakfast on weekends, so Remus was already seated. He watched her as she walked. She tried to seem laid back and not nervous at all, but she was.

        Soon enough, Ivy met Remus right outside the Great Hall. He had on a pair of jeans and a Gryffindor sweater, plus a pair of the beat up sneakers he always likes to wear. Remus smiled once he saw her.

          "I won't be surprised if Sirius spies on us," Remus said as they walked to the carts to get to Hogsmeade. Ivy laughed.

        "That'd be kind of funny, though," Ivy said with a smile as they began the ride to Hogsmeade. Ivy had a pleasant look on her face as they rode, looking around at all the snowy trees. Remus watched her, a sort of dreamy smile making its way on his face the more he looked at her. She snapped her head around from where it was turned away. "Why do I always catch you staring at me?"

Remus laughed and looked away. "I don't know. You're nice to look at."

"Ugh, that's such a line. And why am I so nice to look at?" She asked, looking at him. He shrugged sassily.

"Because you're pretty, why do you think," Remus said. Ivy laughed, rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"You flatter me too much," Ivy said, taking her eyes off of the trees she was staring at and making eye contact with him.

"It's not flattery if it's true, and no I don't," He said, scoffing. "I don't flatter you enough. I like, rarely compliment you."

"I disagree. You love to stare and say nice things," Ivy said as they arrived at Hogsmeade. He helped her off of the high carriage. "I should compliment you more."

"There isn't much to compliment about me," Remus said, shaking his head. Ivy laughed sarcastically.

"You're wrong. There are plenty of things to compliment about you."

"Like what?"

"...You're just trying to get me to compliment you!" Ivy said, shoving him as he laughed. She wasn't completely wrong. They sat down in the Three Broomsticks. "But there are so many good things about you. You're smart, and kinder than everyone deserves. And you're tall. God, you won't believe how many Ravenclaws I've heard gush about how handsome you are."

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